Friday, May 04, 2007


Spiritual Light and the Seven Seals

Light has always been thought of in a positive or even spiritual sense. It brings light into the darkened areas of our world and allows us to see. Spiritual insights are called "illuminations". To be "illuminated" is to be bathed in spiritual light and love.

Modern "New Ager" types even call themselves "light workers" because they believe meditating upon "spiritual light" will have beneficial effects in their personal lives. Religious works of fine art depict major religious figures as having halos of golden light around their heads. Subjective "religious experiences" often involve the sensation of being "baptized" or "enveloped" in a spiritual light.

In fact, it is the hall mark of what has been termed "Cosmic Consciousness." Light is very important in the scientific community and even considered by some physicists as the basic building block of all physical matter. The O.A.K. matrix considers the photon as the basic building block in nature and attempts to show that everything is reducible to having the photon as its first and primary cause.

The photon radiated outward in all directions in a burst of radiant light. When it could go no further it began to collapse inwardly and a burst of electricity raced inward to the center. The inward rush was terminated by the next outward pulse of light as they collided. The second pulse of light prevented the first electrical burst from reaching the center and forced it once more outward as light energy.

This time two light pulses expanded outward in all directions and then collapsed inwardly in a burst of electrical energy. The inward rush was terminated by the next outward pulse of light ...ect.

This describes the photon energy system as it began to fill the universe with wave after wave of light and electrical bursts. Photon pulses in an outward expansive motion produced light in waves. Photon pulses in an inward direction produced electricity. As this energy system grew the original waves were forced further and further away from the center or original source. They were also forced closer and closer together until they touched. At that critical point the energy system failed and a burst of electricity joined with the next outward pulse of light without inward motion at all. The system was in chaos and the first quantum leap was made.

But in time it synchronized and combined with the next outward wave to carry it far beyond its old limits. It made a quantum leap and the system began to produce a different type of light energy. It began to produce a different color of light of a different wavelength. As this process continued the older, original photon bursts once again went through the same process as before, finally reaching a critical point where they became light of a different color and wavelength. In this manner the seven main groups of colors were created in succession. Finally, all colors were being produced at the same time and the system once more failed.

The colors are red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, and violet. The seven colors of the rainbow! There were even smaller units or quanta within each color. Some traditions call these the seven rays and claim everyone has a special affinity toward one these rays and takes on the personality traits attributed to that particular ray.

What is important is that we are seeing a chaos energy system at work as it grows, reaches a critical chaotic point, and spontaneously changes into another type of energy system. New outward waves are constantly being created while the first original waves are being constantly forced into becoming new types of energy at the outer limits of existence. They are stretched and forced to grow and expand beyond all previous limits. The older waves are forced to evolve and change into new types of energy.

A photon is both light and electricity depending on its direction of movement. The photon is also where awareness begins. It is alive and aware in its own fashion. It uses the simplest type of motion possible, vibratory motion. To say a photon is alive and has awareness may be quite misleading. Its life and awareness may be compared to that of a computer or machine. We would not think of it as having any life or awareness at all.

Still, what are life and awareness? For humans, as long as we are alive and the vital life force flows through us we have a degree of awareness. When we die the vital life force does not flow and we have no awareness. O.A.K. maintains that awareness and life is the flow of energies both away from the central source and back toward it in a two way flow of alternating current. Outward, expansive photon driven movement is classed as male energy and inward, restrictive electrically driven movement is classed as female energy. We are a balance of male and female energy.

Our awareness is a pulse of light that has evolved through many evolutionary stages but still remains at its core a pulse of light. We are a pulse of light or a photon.

Awareness is indicated by the behavior something has. For example, a hydrogen atom will always act like a hydrogen atom and all hydrogen atoms will act in the same way. Together they share the life and awareness of "hydrogen". Each type of light has its own special properties and characteristics that it follows.

These define its life and its type of awareness. As a photon "ages" its awareness alters as does its behavior. When a photon changes color it no longer has the awareness of its previous color and it no longer acts like its previous color. Its life span is determined by the time that it spends as a particular color. Then it dies and is "reborn" as a new color or a new type of energy.

Each new color is a higher octave of the one before it. The "oldest" colors have the highest frequencies and the most complex types of awareness and behavior patterns. In summary, light, life and awareness begin with a photon driven chaos energy system in the center of our universe. As it pumps wave after wave of light energy into our universe critical points are constantly being reached and the "oldest" photons are forced to change state and become new forms of energy that previously did not exist.

We are some of the oldest photons and we are forced to evolve into new forms as well.

Each new type of energy is a higher octave of what it was previously. A master cycle contains seven lesser cycles within it. At the conclusion of a master cycle the photon energy is forced to become a type of energy that is not light energy and is not electrical energy. A previously unknown type of energy is formed. This master cycle always follows seven lesser cycles.

Mystical and occult lore is filled with cryptic references to the number seven as is the Bible. Millions wonder about the seven great seals and the end of the world. Unfortunately they will still have to wonder since I am not even remotely qualified to open the great seals. In spite of this loss there are some things that may be said about the number seven.

It appears that light breaks itself up into the seven colors of the rainbow before it becomes a new form of energy. This pattern of seven octaves is seen elsewhere in nature. The musical keyboard contains several octaves that each have seven keys.

Interestingly enough there are also seven possible rings around the heaviest atoms. It can be theorized that as an atom adds an electron ring it becomes a higher octave than it was before. These three examples, light, sound, and physical matter are not in themselves conclusive but they support the theory that a chaos energy system will go through seven lesser cycles before going through a master cycle and becoming a completely new type of energy.

A word of caution about trying to find the number seven in other "cycles" in nature. This type of thinking can easily lead to "infinite regression" types of thinking and is not recommended. If it is not self-evident it may not be cost effective it terms of a return for your time and energy.
This point is so important that it can not be repeated enough times.


Delusions and pie in the sky idealism lead to helplessness and inaction. Infinite regression type questions are the easiest way to render someone helpless and ineffective. Anything worth knowing is self-evident and simple. Once someone points it out anyone can recognize it.

The O.A.K. matrix tries to collect a lot of self-evident and simple things and present them in a way that makes sense. To collect this information led to almost twenty years of "head tripping!" In a way it represents my struggle to regain a normal emotional and fulfilling life. It is my hope this work will prevent others from experiencing some of the tragedies involved in "Head tripping".

It will become self-evident that a collection of "simple things" can be adequate for a general understanding of both the physical and the nonphysical worlds and for a life's philosophy.

We have talked about how the entire universe is a photon driven energy system ruled by the laws and physics of chaos theory. The energy system progresses until it can't anymore. There is no more room or space. It is at this point the energy system goes "chaotic". As energy continues to be applied the system makes a quantum leap to a new kind of energy with new characteristics. There are seven smaller cycles followed by one master cycle that represents a major quantum leap into radical new territory and organization.

At the end of the first master cycle the "oldest" photons begin a new type of motion, rotational motion. This new rotational energy is magnetic field energy. The outward magnetic pulse travels away from the source in an ever increasing vortex. At its outward limit it collapses inward in a decreasing spiral that turns in the opposite direction returning toward the source only to be met by the next outgoing magnetic pulse ...ect.
The basic pattern is always one of outward expansion until it can go no further and then is is forced to return back to the original source.

Magnetic field energy acts as a vortex. North pole vortexes are expansive and scatter the energy widely in an expansive motion.

The effect is one of taking focused energies and disbursing them. Because of its outward expansive nature North pole energy is considered a male energy in the O.A.K. matrix system. It is associated with pure light energy. As photon waves hit physical objects the expansive North pole energies lead to expansion, growth and aging.

South pole vortexes are constrictive and tend to focus energies and increase power. Electrons hit physical objects and as they are absorbed these constrictive South pole energies lead to restriction and permanence. South pole magnetic energy is seen as female energy in the O.A.K. matrix system. Male energy is expansive, female energy is attractive.

Crystals grow, life forms grow and new evolutionary combinations are tried. They age and die to be recreated by the action of both types of energy vortexes on a higher level. This happens at the critical point where north pole energies and south pole energies combine together and stabilize a rotating sphere. The union of north and south magnetic forces is seen as the resolution of paradox. The resolution is the quantum leap into a new state of being.

In practice, photon driven North pole vortexes create needed growth and expansion and the returning South pole vortexes ensure stability and flow of the electrical life force. This gives life and nature its cyclical nature. These lesser cycles terminate in the master cycle of death and total physical disintegration followed by rebirth into a new type of energy or life form that is an octave higher.

This explains some of the effects of magnetic field energy in our world today but in the beginning our world did not yet exist. Instead the central photon driven system simply generated an outward vortex pulse that reached its outer limit and collapsed in an inward vortex only to be met by the next outward vortex pulse ...ect.

This electromagnetic energy is commonly known to us as radio pulses. The central system began to generate radio signals reaching out into space in all directions. The creation of electro-magnetic radio frequencies and signals was the second master cycle. The "oldest" photons were forced to become radio signals of greater and greater complexity.

At the end of this second master cycle the vortex energy reached a critical point where the system once again failed and this time the vortexes combined to form rotating spheres of energy. This was the resolution of the paradox. The system was now creating atoms of physical matter.

In a similar manner the North and South magnetic fields of the earth work together to make the earth turn in the same direction. In the rotation of a sphere we find the resolution of the paradox of opposites. In the duality of the universe there is always paradox and there is always resolution.

The third master cycle produced all of the elements that exist today beginning with hydrogen and ending with some still unknown to us. It is probable that there are 118 elements in all. This would completely fill the seventh outer ring and force the creation of a completely new type energy system. Each atom and element has its own life span and its own special characteristics.

The fourth master cycle produced molecules and compounds. As the "oldest" photons were forced to become molecules and compounds their awareness became that of the molecule or compound and their life span also became that of the molecule or compound. The magnetic field that surrounded the molecule was of a type and frequency that never existed before. It's "aura" and behavior was more complex than anything that existed before.

The fifth master cycle produced cellular life. This is the first evidence of life as we know it. Simple one celled life forms floated on calm ocean waters. They absorbed light energy from the sun and grew. They absorbed minerals and electrical life energy from the ocean water and they lived! At a critical location and time on the earth's surface life was formed. These cells were round with a nucleus and had a thin membrane for an outer cover.

Living matter was a quantum leap because for the first time intelligence and awareness was independent of physical matter. The individual cell retained an organizing awareness and intelligence that stayed as long as the cell remained alive. This organizing awareness and intelligence remained independent from the nutrients that passed into the cell and the waste matter that passed out of the cell.

Wilhelm Reich termed this life force energy Orgone Energy and each cell produced a "bion". These bions were the first astral creations linked to living physical organisms. These bions collectively were the life force that circulated among living organisms.

Upon death memory traces remained within the astral as patterns for new cellular life to follow. In this way history and life could repeat itself over and over again.

The DNA pattern found at the center of each cell was literally the photon driven energy system that kept the cell alive and gave it the vitality to attract nutrients and expel waste. Each living cell was its own photon driven energy system keeping its own bion intact.

The sixth master cycle produced organic life forms that were asexual in nature. Male and female reproductive organs were found on the same life form. An example of this type of life form is some flowers or trees. The reproductive organs organized around the living life force energy at one end and the memory traces of past life at the other. One tried to maintain the life of the individual cell through adaptation to new environmental conditions and the other tried to maintain life by forcing it to travel a "destiny" or path that had proven successful in the past.

The seventh master cycle produced male and female life within the species. Awareness had split into male awareness and female awareness. This division of the sexes had a profound effect on a species ability to grow and adapt to new and unusual life conditions.

The two organizing awarenesses and intelligences emerged as organizing intelligences within each individual. In the male the "Collective" was dominant and the "Shadow" was dormant. In the female the "Shadow" was dominant and the "Collective" was dormant. At this point the male and female did not have much in common except the reproduction of the species. Men and women were not able to relate except in the functions of reproduction of the species.

The eighth master cycle produced human beings and for the first time self-awareness and the ability to reason. Both sexes contained the Shadow and the Collective as secondary personalities. The normal human ego was formed to mediate and rule these two alien personalities. The task of integrating these secondary personalities has been called erroneously the battle for one's soul or the battle between good and evil. It is the task of the normal human ego to integrate both, not to submit to only one of them.

The ninth master cycle will presumably force humanity into a new type of existence and awareness that is an entire octave beyond what it currently enjoys. It will be as if humanity were to take a quantum leap in the evolutionary process!! While this ninth master cycle has not yet occurred, there are many that believe the beginning of this master cycle is imminent. In fact, it is probably the only thing that "new agers" and "end of the worlders" have in common. This is happening right now.

In summary, the O.A.K. matrix proposes there is a progressive photon driven energy system at the center of our universe. This central system is constantly inserting new "photons" into our universe and forcing the "older" photons at the conclusion of a master cycle to "die" and be "reborn" as a newer and higher life form and awareness. Each one of us at one time originated as a photon or spark of light. This type of system is compatible with modern scientific theories such as modern chaos theory basics and the unified field theory of physicist Dewey Larson as well as current understandings of magnetic field energies.

It shows that life and awareness can both be seen as progressive and evolutionary processes that follow the laws and principles of modern science, in particular chaos theory which states an energy system when progressed too far will become chaotic and at a critical point spontaneously transform into a new type of stable energy system.

The purpose of this chapter is to form a working interface between "hard science" and the rest of this book which is more speculative and philosophical in nature. My intent is to show the O.A.K. matrix as a philosophy based on science and simple self-evident truths. See for example COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS by Dr. Raymond Bucke, a timeless classic that investigates this experience of discovering self-evident truths.

"NOTHING BUT MOTION" and " THE NEGLECTED FACTS OF SCIENCE" by Dewey Larson offer a unified field theory based mainly upon the photon and its special properties in the space/time universe and the time/space universe. I recommend any questions of hard physical science be referred to his work. O.A.K. centers on the subjective aspect of life experience.

O.A.K. accepts the hard science explanations and unified field theory of Dewey Larson. Still there are very significant deviations from this theory. For example, O.A.K. proposes the "inward scalar motion" be replaced by an electrical surge. These modifications do not detract from the validity of Larson's theory in general and I am convinced that any discrepancies can be corrected. Dewey Larson's work is pure science while this work is interdisciplinary and philosophical in nature.

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Magister Templi Technorati Tags : psychic, paranormal, dreams, dreaming, survivalism, new-age, metaphysical, occult, mysticism, spirituality

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