Friday, May 11, 2007
Nothing But Motion
"Nothing But Motion" is the title of Dewey Larson's classic work describing his reciprocal theory. Everything is created out of motion. The simplest type of motion is vibratory energy. This happens to coincide with my own Rosicrucian beliefs.
All things are simply vibratory energy at the deepest and most fundamental levels of existence. Please keep in mind that the following is my interpretation of Dewey Larson's work. He comes at this from a purely scientific framework while I am coming at the same material from a metaphysical and psychological framework.
The simplest form of vibratory energy is "scalar". Scalar means an outward expanding pulse of energy in all directions followed by an inward contracting pulse of energy. We can easily see the photon as an example of an outward pulse of energy that is expanding in all directions at the same time.
We can see an electrical discharge as in inward contracting pulse of energy. Combined we have light and electricity as flip sides of the same coin. They are reciprocals of each other and parts of each other like the yin/yang symbol.
In fact, outward expansive energy is metaphysically termed male energy and inward contracting energy is termed female energy. At the highest and most abstract we have the God of Light and the Goddess of Electricity. Together they form all of creation.
On a much larger scale our entire galaxy is slowly being sucked into a black hole at its very center. When we look outward in any direction we see stars moving away from us and accelerating to near the speed of light. How can this be possible? Common thought is the big bang theory has caused this to happen and we are at the center of the explosion. How is that for ego centric?
Scalar motion offers a different perspective and explanation for the same phenomenon. Everything that is contained within our galaxy is trapped by the gravitational forces of the black hole at its center and being slowly drawn into it. In a scalar manner everything is slowly shrinking but we don't notice because all things are shrinking around us at the same rate.
At the edges of our galaxy stars and other objects are escaping from the gravitational pull and expanding outward in all directions around us. They are expanding;we are shrinking. Since there is no frame of reference this is only noticeable at extreme distances.
Scalar motion and its vibratory outward and inward pulsing are responsible for the creation and movement of all things. This duality in action can also be called male and female energy.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the Reciprocal theory is the concept of two separate but connected universes that co-exist together. They are the universe as we know it called Space/Time and its reciprocal or inverse called Time/Space. Each universe is three dimensional.
In our universe space or physical reality is three dimensional while time is linear. In the Time/Space universe time is three dimensional and space is linear. I immediately made the connection between this Time/Space universe and the astral worlds or dream worlds.
This led to some startling insights into the astral worlds. Among them was the concept of how gravitation works in the Time/Space universe or astral worlds.
In physical reality as we know it mass gravitates toward other physical mass. We are drawn gravitationally toward the center of the earth because of its physical mass. In the astral potential events would gravitate toward each other. Events gravitate and not matter. This would give several potential outcomes to any physical event. It would also mean events gravitate toward each other. This means important nexus points in time would exist where many things would be happening at once. Other time periods would not be as important and very little would be happening.
It was easy for me to believe that events cluster together. Many events are often triggered by one single event that has many deep and lasting consequences. In my own life I could see evidence of critical time periods where my life underwent radical changes. Critical time periods do exist.
He shows us how the basic building block of everything is the photon/electrical energy. The basic type of energy is vibratory energy that exists as outward and inward pulses of light/electricity. These vibratory pulses exist simultaneously within six dimensions. Three dimensions of space/time and three dimensions of time/space.
Another way to say this is everything exists simultaneously in the physical world and within the astral world. Metaphysical literature has claimed for a long time that there are two worlds, the astral and the physical. There are two bodies, a physical body and a non-physical body called a soul. Human life originated as a divine spark of light and evolved into its human form over eons.
It has also been said that foundationally everything is a form of vibratory energy. For the first time a scientific theory supports these claims. This is especially true when combined with modern chaos theory.
As energy pours into the universe evolutionary forces cause the vibratory energy of the photon to make a quantum leap into rotational motion. The photon evolves into rotating magnetic field energies of the entire electromagnetic spectrum including cosmic rays,sound waves and radio waves.
These rotating waves continue pulsing with an inward and outward movement forming an expanding vortex of clockwise North pole magnetic field energy or a concentrating vortex of counter clockwise south pole magnetic field energy.
Our galaxy has a massive black hole at its center that is driving the rotational forces of the entire system. One day our world will be pulled into that black hole and cease to exist. Again these magnetic vortexes exist simultaneously within two worlds, the physical and the astral. Occult and magickal theory term these vortexes as “Cones of Power”. The clockwise cone of power is considered created out of “Spiritual Energy”. This is because it resists merging with other types of energy and remains pure. It cleanses and purifies.
The counter clockwise cone of power is considered a “Manifesting Energy”. It will mutate and merge with other types of energy to aid in physical manifestation. This is an energy of change and transformation.
The third quantum leap is the resolution of paradox and union of these male and female vortexes. They combine to create spheres. In the physical world they create atoms with atomic particles. In the astral they create astral objects. Astral objects are always the combination the two types of energy. This shows the basic polarity of the universe and life itself.
Outward expanding energy is termed male energy. Inward contracting energy is termed female energy. It is in their union that objects appear. In a greater manner the union of the space/time universe and the time/space universe create the life we experience.
Continuing with this exploration of Dewey Larson’s Reciprocal theory: We find two basic types of movement within the universe and within life itself. There is an outward expansive movement such as the photon. This has traditionally been termed male energy and associated with light.
There is an inward constricting or formative shaping movement such as electricity. This has traditionally been termed female energy and associated with earth energy and physical matter. These two movements continue into the living world.
We see these pulsations in breathing, the heart beat, the peristaltic movement as food moves through the intestines. We see it in how muscles constrict and relax and even in sexual orgasm. Tension and relaxation are the dual forces that rule existence.
In nature the gravitational pull of the moon as it combines and then opposes the gravitational pull of the sun create the tides of the ocean and the weather. These dual forces create a pulsing action that moves energy,fluid,blood,air and many other things. These dual forces are movement! Life exists to experience this full range of expression and the life force suffers when this pulsing activity is blocked or hindered.
Like a living sponge we need to absorb and contain as much energy as possible and then wring ourselves completely dry by the end of the day. Absorb and expel giving this energy the greatest opportunity possible to flow through us daily.
We find this concept echoed in the works of Wilhelm Riech in his study of orgone energy, the living force of life. He believed all mental and emotional illness were the result of blockages of this pulsing activity. He expressed the expansive movement as orgasm and the constrictive movement as anxiety. Illness arose from not allowing the full range of expression.
We find the works of Wilhelm Riech compatible with the reciprocal theory of Dewey Larson as well.
The first type of motion found in the universe is pulsating motion or vibratory motion. The second type of motion is rotational motion and is associated with rotational magnetic vortex energy. North Pole magnetic energy creates an expanding vortex and South Pole magnetic energy creates a constricting vortex. We subjectively experience these as forces of attraction and repulsion.
We are magnetically drawn to certain people and events. We are magnetically repelled from others. Attraction and repulsion happen at all levels of human experience as well as in physical science. I choose to deal with human experience. Dewey Larson deals with the scientific applications.
We might be mentally attracted to a particular subject and want to study it in detail. Perhaps a song on the radio really brings out our emotions and it becomes our favorite song. Love and passion are physical and sexual types of magnetic attraction.
Repulsion works the same way. We avoid things in life because they repel us. Some times we feel pulled into situations we can not escape from. Other times we can’t seem to reach our goal no matter how hard we try. Our goal repels us!
All of these subjective experiences are powered at core level through the basic magnetic forces of attraction and repulsion. What we understand about magnetic fields helps us understand what we need to do to achieve our goals.
Opposites attract is the cosmic law of these rotating magnetic vortexes. The North Pole energies are attracted to the South Pole energies. The expansive male energy is attracted to the restrictive and forming female energy. In like manner same repels. South Pole energies repel other South pole energies. North pole energies repel North Pole energies.
This is also the law of co-dependent relationships. Each person feels they have found their missing soul parts within the other. They see in the other what they sense lacking in themselves. They stick together like sand burrs stuck on their own stickers constantly hoping for integration and acceptance and finding only differences.
Healthy love relationships are based on mutual sharing of common things. This can only happen when each has developed both energies within themselves. Each has recognized the male and female energies of their own soul. One partner will default to spiritual or mental things like meditation and artistic creation and the other will default to the biological demands of daily living like cooking and family but both will have open access to the other’s world.
They will each have shared moments of understanding and accord that support and fuel their relationship needs. Understanding differences will strengthen individual roles and self esteem as loving partners help each other through the highs and lows of life.
Visit Anarchist World and find this information there with daily updates! It's faster and there is more to choose from. The focus of my efforts will be there and not here.
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All things are simply vibratory energy at the deepest and most fundamental levels of existence. Please keep in mind that the following is my interpretation of Dewey Larson's work. He comes at this from a purely scientific framework while I am coming at the same material from a metaphysical and psychological framework.
The simplest form of vibratory energy is "scalar". Scalar means an outward expanding pulse of energy in all directions followed by an inward contracting pulse of energy. We can easily see the photon as an example of an outward pulse of energy that is expanding in all directions at the same time.
We can see an electrical discharge as in inward contracting pulse of energy. Combined we have light and electricity as flip sides of the same coin. They are reciprocals of each other and parts of each other like the yin/yang symbol.
In fact, outward expansive energy is metaphysically termed male energy and inward contracting energy is termed female energy. At the highest and most abstract we have the God of Light and the Goddess of Electricity. Together they form all of creation.
On a much larger scale our entire galaxy is slowly being sucked into a black hole at its very center. When we look outward in any direction we see stars moving away from us and accelerating to near the speed of light. How can this be possible? Common thought is the big bang theory has caused this to happen and we are at the center of the explosion. How is that for ego centric?
Scalar motion offers a different perspective and explanation for the same phenomenon. Everything that is contained within our galaxy is trapped by the gravitational forces of the black hole at its center and being slowly drawn into it. In a scalar manner everything is slowly shrinking but we don't notice because all things are shrinking around us at the same rate.
At the edges of our galaxy stars and other objects are escaping from the gravitational pull and expanding outward in all directions around us. They are expanding;we are shrinking. Since there is no frame of reference this is only noticeable at extreme distances.
Scalar motion and its vibratory outward and inward pulsing are responsible for the creation and movement of all things. This duality in action can also be called male and female energy.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the Reciprocal theory is the concept of two separate but connected universes that co-exist together. They are the universe as we know it called Space/Time and its reciprocal or inverse called Time/Space. Each universe is three dimensional.
In our universe space or physical reality is three dimensional while time is linear. In the Time/Space universe time is three dimensional and space is linear. I immediately made the connection between this Time/Space universe and the astral worlds or dream worlds.
This led to some startling insights into the astral worlds. Among them was the concept of how gravitation works in the Time/Space universe or astral worlds.
In physical reality as we know it mass gravitates toward other physical mass. We are drawn gravitationally toward the center of the earth because of its physical mass. In the astral potential events would gravitate toward each other. Events gravitate and not matter. This would give several potential outcomes to any physical event. It would also mean events gravitate toward each other. This means important nexus points in time would exist where many things would be happening at once. Other time periods would not be as important and very little would be happening.
It was easy for me to believe that events cluster together. Many events are often triggered by one single event that has many deep and lasting consequences. In my own life I could see evidence of critical time periods where my life underwent radical changes. Critical time periods do exist.
He shows us how the basic building block of everything is the photon/electrical energy. The basic type of energy is vibratory energy that exists as outward and inward pulses of light/electricity. These vibratory pulses exist simultaneously within six dimensions. Three dimensions of space/time and three dimensions of time/space.
Another way to say this is everything exists simultaneously in the physical world and within the astral world. Metaphysical literature has claimed for a long time that there are two worlds, the astral and the physical. There are two bodies, a physical body and a non-physical body called a soul. Human life originated as a divine spark of light and evolved into its human form over eons.
It has also been said that foundationally everything is a form of vibratory energy. For the first time a scientific theory supports these claims. This is especially true when combined with modern chaos theory.
As energy pours into the universe evolutionary forces cause the vibratory energy of the photon to make a quantum leap into rotational motion. The photon evolves into rotating magnetic field energies of the entire electromagnetic spectrum including cosmic rays,sound waves and radio waves.
These rotating waves continue pulsing with an inward and outward movement forming an expanding vortex of clockwise North pole magnetic field energy or a concentrating vortex of counter clockwise south pole magnetic field energy.
Our galaxy has a massive black hole at its center that is driving the rotational forces of the entire system. One day our world will be pulled into that black hole and cease to exist. Again these magnetic vortexes exist simultaneously within two worlds, the physical and the astral. Occult and magickal theory term these vortexes as “Cones of Power”. The clockwise cone of power is considered created out of “Spiritual Energy”. This is because it resists merging with other types of energy and remains pure. It cleanses and purifies.
The counter clockwise cone of power is considered a “Manifesting Energy”. It will mutate and merge with other types of energy to aid in physical manifestation. This is an energy of change and transformation.
The third quantum leap is the resolution of paradox and union of these male and female vortexes. They combine to create spheres. In the physical world they create atoms with atomic particles. In the astral they create astral objects. Astral objects are always the combination the two types of energy. This shows the basic polarity of the universe and life itself.
Outward expanding energy is termed male energy. Inward contracting energy is termed female energy. It is in their union that objects appear. In a greater manner the union of the space/time universe and the time/space universe create the life we experience.
Continuing with this exploration of Dewey Larson’s Reciprocal theory: We find two basic types of movement within the universe and within life itself. There is an outward expansive movement such as the photon. This has traditionally been termed male energy and associated with light.
There is an inward constricting or formative shaping movement such as electricity. This has traditionally been termed female energy and associated with earth energy and physical matter. These two movements continue into the living world.
We see these pulsations in breathing, the heart beat, the peristaltic movement as food moves through the intestines. We see it in how muscles constrict and relax and even in sexual orgasm. Tension and relaxation are the dual forces that rule existence.
In nature the gravitational pull of the moon as it combines and then opposes the gravitational pull of the sun create the tides of the ocean and the weather. These dual forces create a pulsing action that moves energy,fluid,blood,air and many other things. These dual forces are movement! Life exists to experience this full range of expression and the life force suffers when this pulsing activity is blocked or hindered.
Like a living sponge we need to absorb and contain as much energy as possible and then wring ourselves completely dry by the end of the day. Absorb and expel giving this energy the greatest opportunity possible to flow through us daily.
We find this concept echoed in the works of Wilhelm Riech in his study of orgone energy, the living force of life. He believed all mental and emotional illness were the result of blockages of this pulsing activity. He expressed the expansive movement as orgasm and the constrictive movement as anxiety. Illness arose from not allowing the full range of expression.
We find the works of Wilhelm Riech compatible with the reciprocal theory of Dewey Larson as well.
The first type of motion found in the universe is pulsating motion or vibratory motion. The second type of motion is rotational motion and is associated with rotational magnetic vortex energy. North Pole magnetic energy creates an expanding vortex and South Pole magnetic energy creates a constricting vortex. We subjectively experience these as forces of attraction and repulsion.
We are magnetically drawn to certain people and events. We are magnetically repelled from others. Attraction and repulsion happen at all levels of human experience as well as in physical science. I choose to deal with human experience. Dewey Larson deals with the scientific applications.
We might be mentally attracted to a particular subject and want to study it in detail. Perhaps a song on the radio really brings out our emotions and it becomes our favorite song. Love and passion are physical and sexual types of magnetic attraction.
Repulsion works the same way. We avoid things in life because they repel us. Some times we feel pulled into situations we can not escape from. Other times we can’t seem to reach our goal no matter how hard we try. Our goal repels us!
All of these subjective experiences are powered at core level through the basic magnetic forces of attraction and repulsion. What we understand about magnetic fields helps us understand what we need to do to achieve our goals.
Opposites attract is the cosmic law of these rotating magnetic vortexes. The North Pole energies are attracted to the South Pole energies. The expansive male energy is attracted to the restrictive and forming female energy. In like manner same repels. South Pole energies repel other South pole energies. North pole energies repel North Pole energies.
This is also the law of co-dependent relationships. Each person feels they have found their missing soul parts within the other. They see in the other what they sense lacking in themselves. They stick together like sand burrs stuck on their own stickers constantly hoping for integration and acceptance and finding only differences.
Healthy love relationships are based on mutual sharing of common things. This can only happen when each has developed both energies within themselves. Each has recognized the male and female energies of their own soul. One partner will default to spiritual or mental things like meditation and artistic creation and the other will default to the biological demands of daily living like cooking and family but both will have open access to the other’s world.
They will each have shared moments of understanding and accord that support and fuel their relationship needs. Understanding differences will strengthen individual roles and self esteem as loving partners help each other through the highs and lows of life.
Visit Anarchist World and find this information there with daily updates! It's faster and there is more to choose from. The focus of my efforts will be there and not here.
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