Sunday, February 18, 2007


Chapter 4 OAK Energy Ball Meditation Part 3


This step completes the construction of the basic "energy ball" used in the remaining steps. After visualizing the energy ball as described in the first four steps you have integrated the energy of the crown chakra and third eye chakra. These have formed a large ball of energy that is surrounding the entire head.

Now visualize a second energy ball located on the thyroid glands in the center of the throat. Spin the energy ball to help stabalize it. As before merge this second energy ball with the large one to create an even larger energy ball.

This is more difficult than the earlier steps because of the sheer size of the visualization. The finished ball extends above the head a little and includes the throat area. The "phase locking" sensation may be more difficult to sense. Keep working at it until you sense all of the energies blending together. This may even seem like a fog of energy that surrounds you.

After the ability is gained to easily create this large "phase locked" energy ball there are several ways to strengthen it. My choice is to mentally rotate it from the top of the head forward like a ball rolling in front of me. This helps to stabilize and strengthen it.

At this point you have an energy ball made up of four different energies that have "synchronized" together as harmonics or octaves of each other. They are locked together in a "phase locked" circuit that resists change and seeks to maintain itself. Your point of awareness should be able to easily move anywhere within this ball moving from one type of energy to another.

When this point is reached there will be a permanent change taking place in your awareness. These energies will begin to bleed through into each other and open blocked energy pathways.

Your entire day will be filled with one "insight" after another in a way that is truly incredible. Your mental processes are going through a complete overhaul as you fine tune and perfect your personal belief system.
Illuminations will fill in the missing pieces for you and you will gain many useful understandings.

This "locking" together of these energies is a wonderful thing and will begin the process of regeneration within your physical body. Parts of your psyche will begin to fit together as never before.


After you have perfected the basic energy ball it is time to start working with it in a deliberate and conscious manner. Your awareness can reside in this energy ball. In a way this energy ball is a type of astral vehicle for your awareness. We are going to use it to open the blocked energy pathways within the body.

This energy ball is your "safe" area where you can safely come to terms with "buried" and repressed emotional baggage and trapped "black" energy. In this safe area you bring this "black" energy under conscious control. You begin by working from the top downward one layer at a time.

After forming the energy ball try to raise it as high into the spiritual light as you can. From this point on always attempt this contact with the "light" because it is your energy source. Feel your mind and awareness rise as if it is in an elevator as you raise the energy ball into the light. Move the energy ball up and down and feel your awareness move up and down with it.

Next try forcing the energy ball down the spine. Because the rest of the body is not "synchronized" there will be resistance and it will not want to go very far. Make this attempt at least three times before quitting. After the third try raise the ball as high as it will go toward your "energy source". Your energy ball will have accumulated "dark" energy and need to be purified in the light.

As the energy ball comes in contact with repressed "black" energy it grabs the black energy like a magnet. This black energy will cling to the energy ball. Only moving the energy ball back up into the light will release the black energy.

This is important because your downward efforts have loosened quite a bit of "black" energy and brought it to your awareness in a shocking manner. The spiritual or light energy helps to dissolve and neutralize the "black" energy keeping you soundly in control of those waves of emotion that will begin to wash over you.

This simple practice will release incredible amounts of trapped emotional energy allowing it to be used for other purposes. It is possible to intensify the experience by taking a deep breath and holding it while both raising the ball and forcing it downward against the resistance. Try it first without holding your breath. When you have done as much as you can move to this next step. Take your time. This may take several sessions.

The method I used was to inhale, hold my breath and mentally push the energy ball downward. Then I would exhale and inhale and exhale normally before repeating. This practice of holding the breath as long as comfortable is extremely powerful because it forces oxygen into the blood and then into the brain. It can easily cause dizziness and should only be used with caution by those in excellent health.

Even if done only once a day this exercise will release "trapped" emotional energy throughout the entire day as spontaneous waves that suddenly wash over you. As a result you will be very preoccupied with your personal growth and healing process. It will be a highly disruptive period but a very productive one.

As I was working through some of my "black" energy I felt what I was doing was the most important thing I had ever done in my life. I was freeing myself from past karma that had held me back my entire life. It was also the most exciting thing I had ever done and was very intense. I could feel the power that was flowing through me!

Early Christians called this type of experience taking away your sins or freeing yourself from your sins. They had their own method of releasing this trapped emotional energy.

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Magister Templi Technorati Tags : psychic, paranormal, dreams, dreaming, survivalism, new-age, metaphysical, occult, mysticism, spirituality

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