Monday, January 22, 2007


Chapter 3 Duality Sexual Alchemy Part 3

6. At this point it is time for him to slack off and forget about romance for awhile. He should just enjoy her company and share social activities with her.

Sensual pursuits are fun. As he turns the power down she relaxes and they both turn to a life of total hedonism and enjoyment. She enjoys his company and needs his energy but only a little at a time. After a while she craves larger and larger doses of his raw energy. She learns how to deal with it effectively. It begins to give her power and energy and she can return some of it back to him in a new form.

7. He thinks seriously about forming a permanent relationship with her. He pours his energy and vigor out to her with an intensity that borders on insanity because it is so strong.

As she receives his energy she becomes completely self-centered. This is the only way she can effectively direct the forces he is generating. She has to be in total control, there can be no weakness. She uses her will to focus his energy toward those things she desires.

8. As she takes total control he begins to suspect that she doesn't love him, that she is just using him to get what she wants. What about the things he wants? He has to fight these doubts and be patient with her at this time.

The entire world spreads out before her. She can carve out of it whatever she will. She can use him and his energies as she wishes to achieve her dream. There is no mental hesitation or uncertainty. She goes for the achievement of her dream.

9. He seems to be only a servant to her but then he remembers that is what he wanted to be. She is the Goddess. He wanted to build her dream for her and now she is using his energy to do just that! Working together they are both achieving those things they wished for. This is the beginning of high magic.

She is the Goddess, a force of nature, unstoppable. She perceives the karmic need for excitement, thrills, and vitality. She knows when to support him and when to bitch at him to get him fired up enough to do something. She gives him inspiration and takes from him what she needs.

10. Blinded by his love for her he sacrifices himself. He projects everything he has and is into her. He is free of all personal desires and plunges into spiritual death and rebirth.

She accepts his sacrifice. She embraces all that he is and resolves to make him complete in all things. It will take all of her power to completely contain his expansive energies but she sacrifices everything she is to do this.

11. They merge. They are one. They are a single unit, a new being. There are no barriers between them. They have become one soul.

12. Their entire personal universe is now recreated on all levels in their image. All is realized, all is complete.

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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Magister Templi Technorati Tags : psychic, paranormal, dreams, dreaming, survivalism, new-age, metaphysical, occult, mysticism, spirituality

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