Friday, October 06, 2006
The Female-Neophyte Degree
She is a Goddess within a child's body and understands all things are possible. Good things can happen to everyone. She is optimistic and has the ability to do what ever she wants.
Intuitively she knows all karma resolves itself in the end. She can be carefree. As a teenager it is easy and natural to rebel against socially acceptable behavior. Her parents become alarmed and restrain her unmercifully to no avail. She learns to manipulate people and pull their strings to get what she wants.
Emotionally she has no strongly focused personal desires. She flits from one thing to the next in seconds and has everything she really wants. She feels joy and happiness as each wish is fulfilled. Life is good and she knows her desires will come true. It is hard to wait. There is no strong concept of time and the days blur together.
She dreams about her future life and what she will be when she grows up. She wants to be a bride and marry a prince. She has total control over her destiny at this point. With her Goddess awareness she can create the life she chooses. She is in control. Her intuition is highly developed and she can see how long term goals will work out. It is important she has a dream to inspire her to greater things.
Intuitively she knows there is no right or wrong. All things are potentials for exploration. She goes against her parents and gets others in trouble. She keeps secrets. There is apathy and depression because of an inability to choose only one direction out of the many that are pulling her in different directions. She might have trouble getting started but still she finds great joy and pride in the accomplishments of others.
Culture, religion, and philosophical concepts are very confusing. She appears very naive. Everything seems to go against her inner nature and is not harmonious. She is told how to think and how to act and she resents it. She rebels and rejects authority. The elders are blind, they don't understand what she sees with her Goddess perception.
People are born, animals are born, plants grow from seeds. She is fascinated that one day she will be able to give birth. What will it be like? Where does the baby come from? How can the miracle of birth be? It seems unreal. Will it hurt her?
Her parents and society tell her sex is bad but how can it be bad if it produces babies? She intuits that sex is a need for a full life. With the beginning of her periods sex becomes a portion of her life that can not be ignored. The same is true for the mood swings that surge like waves through her.
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Magister Templi Technorati Tags : psychic, paranormal, dreams, dreaming, survivalism, new-age, metaphysical, occult, mysticism, spirituality