Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Chapter 1 Duality-The Male-Practicus Degree
In this degree we struggle with the problem of how to be both body and spirit. Our false human ego is still identifying mainly with our physical body but at the same time holds up rigid idealistic standards for itself and for others to live by. Here we have puppy love. We establish role models and become hero worshipers.
We have expectations for finding the perfect wife, the perfect husband, the perfect home, and the perfect job. We set our standards so high that no one can fill them. Then we hate ourselves because of our failure.
We have entered the realm of logic and reason and the human ego is no longer supreme. The ideal, representing logic and reason is now supreme. Still although they now rule our lives logic and reason are unable to get at truth. The answers we get merely bring more questions. This turns into a vicious circle that rapidly gets out of control until we finally learn to stop asking questions.
Logic and reason distort things. We are no longer sure of what is good and evil, sin and salvation, or illusion and reality. Our head begins to spin and our overworked intellect feels inadequate. We trust our intuition instead. The intellect can sense it's approaching death even as the emotions did earlier. It feels threatened as it desperately tries to grapple with things and understand them. We find ourselves in an intellectual fog where the only voice of sanity and reason lies with unquestioning faith. We identify more and more with our intuitions, with the Christ spirit within us and faith in the inner voice of our conscience. As we do this our intellect is screaming at us to stop. It is trying to tell us what we are doing is insane and makes no sense at all.
Trusting our intuitions and the inner voice of our conscience brings the birth of a higher level of consciousness. We think not with words but with the symbols given us in our dreams and meditations.Our thought processes are more abstract and visual. There are no words for what we are thinking.
The first stage is an uncomfortable struggle with logic and reason. The second stage of this degree brings the decline of the intellect and the true birth of intuition. We learn to trust our intuition above all other things. We develop a great spiritual pride that our inner self has won over the intellect and physical self.This is a very dangerous time for us!
We have a true feeling of accomplishment thinking that now we are one of the great adepts or perhaps we become "Born Again Christians. We have little desire to try further but are content to stay right where we are. This is a great spiritual plateau and we must beware the poison of spiritual pride. This level marks the boundary between consciousness and higher-consciousness. Our new consciousness with absolute faith in the intuitive self is still untamed, it is a beast. It is still joined to the lower personality and to the physical body. The spiritual vision is distorted and our intuitive self is hindered in its attempts to communicate with us. The intuitive self rules but it is an uneasy rule indeed.
In this degree we struggle with the problem of how to be both body and spirit. Our false human ego is still identifying mainly with our physical body but at the same time holds up rigid idealistic standards for itself and for others to live by. Here we have puppy love. We establish role models and become hero worshipers.
We have expectations for finding the perfect wife, the perfect husband, the perfect home, and the perfect job. We set our standards so high that no one can fill them. Then we hate ourselves because of our failure.
We have entered the realm of logic and reason and the human ego is no longer supreme. The ideal, representing logic and reason is now supreme. Still although they now rule our lives logic and reason are unable to get at truth. The answers we get merely bring more questions. This turns into a vicious circle that rapidly gets out of control until we finally learn to stop asking questions.
Logic and reason distort things. We are no longer sure of what is good and evil, sin and salvation, or illusion and reality. Our head begins to spin and our overworked intellect feels inadequate. We trust our intuition instead. The intellect can sense it's approaching death even as the emotions did earlier. It feels threatened as it desperately tries to grapple with things and understand them. We find ourselves in an intellectual fog where the only voice of sanity and reason lies with unquestioning faith. We identify more and more with our intuitions, with the Christ spirit within us and faith in the inner voice of our conscience. As we do this our intellect is screaming at us to stop. It is trying to tell us what we are doing is insane and makes no sense at all.
Trusting our intuitions and the inner voice of our conscience brings the birth of a higher level of consciousness. We think not with words but with the symbols given us in our dreams and meditations.Our thought processes are more abstract and visual. There are no words for what we are thinking.
The first stage is an uncomfortable struggle with logic and reason. The second stage of this degree brings the decline of the intellect and the true birth of intuition. We learn to trust our intuition above all other things. We develop a great spiritual pride that our inner self has won over the intellect and physical self.This is a very dangerous time for us!
We have a true feeling of accomplishment thinking that now we are one of the great adepts or perhaps we become "Born Again Christians. We have little desire to try further but are content to stay right where we are. This is a great spiritual plateau and we must beware the poison of spiritual pride. This level marks the boundary between consciousness and higher-consciousness. Our new consciousness with absolute faith in the intuitive self is still untamed, it is a beast. It is still joined to the lower personality and to the physical body. The spiritual vision is distorted and our intuitive self is hindered in its attempts to communicate with us. The intuitive self rules but it is an uneasy rule indeed.