Thursday, March 16, 2006


Chapter 1 Duality-The Male-Adeptus Exemptus Degree

These people have left the world of form, the material world and live entirely in their heads. They are dead to the physical world and move about conducting their worldly affairs like zombies. When viewed from the purely physical point of view these people would be considered insane or severely troubled. They are emotionless, stern, solemn and constantly caught up in their own thoughts.

The Adeptus Exemptus has eliminated all personal desire and lust for life. There is a strong feeling of death and stagnation. They no longer have any desire for creativity.They live in total self absorbed darkness. Even the desire for Spiritual light is absent. Detached from their surroundings and from themselves, they are completely folded in upon themselves.

They see nothing, hear nothing, and say nothing. All of their energy has gone inward in a total effort of spiritual selfishness. They seek only personal salvation and care nothing about others. They have no compassion or feeling at all. They are people that have used yoga, magic, meditation or prayer for personal gain and nothing can reach them. Now they are exploring the darker areas of their souls.They have gone too far and realize they are in trouble. In a desperate attempt to remain sane they freeze and try not to move in any direction at all.

If the Adeptus Exemptus has started their quest with compassion and concern for others karma will carry them forward into the temple of the Great White Brotherhood. This level emphasizes the importance of human compassion and concern for others. It represents the desire to help others with no thought for personal reward. People at this level are known as Avatars, Mahatmas...ect.

During this level a Master will appear and perform the baptism of the holy Christ spirit. The bridge between God/dess and conscious awareness has been built enough for the Christ spirit to descend in the form of a sacred baptism and initiation.

Those who refuse to share in the Great work can go no further. They have nothing to live for. All they have is a huge ego that shuts them off from others. They work only for personal gain and belong to the Black Brotherhood. They fear the abyss and death of the personal ego that lies ahead of them.

Members of the White Brotherhood recognize compassion for others is a sacred duty and holy trust. Spiritual selfishness must be eliminated with the death of the false ego.

They stand on the brink of the Great Abyss. There is a sense of impending doom as the last bit of false ego cries out for survival. This is the brink of human consciousness. They are virtually at the very edge of their minds. Logic and Reason can not go beyond this point. There is a strong feeling of tension. There is expectation of an important event but nothing happens.

The tension is unbearable with a tug of war between pure spirit and matter. They are drawn toward God/dess across the abyss but fear the death of the ego because it can not cross. They have tasted union with the holy spirit at their baptism and now desire to merge with God/dess. But the spiritual bridge will not allow conscious awareness to cross it. Finally their deep longing wins and they plunge into the Great Abyss.

They take this plunge again and again until the ego is totally destroyed. Their personality is no more. There is no sense of self. It takes courage and determination to achieve a permanent union with God/dess.

It requires long hard work and the spiritual bridge will only allow short moments of union with God/dess at a time. It will only allow brief glimpses, thoughts, and inspirations. Still the Adeptus Exemptus acquires the ability to achieve these insights at will and the day comes when their awareness will cross the abyss for brief periods at a time.

The feeling of crossing the Abyss is indescribable. They plunge into the arms of the great Cosmic Mother. They are surrounded in love and all embracing feminine warmth. They loose ourselves in holy bliss and rapture because they have truly achieved salvation. They know that spirit is reality and matter is illusion. This is the spiritual dawning of a new day and a new sense of self and awareness. This is the "Golden Dawn".

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