Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Chapter 1 Duality-The Male-Adeptus Major Degree
Blindly intoxicated by the elixir of the gods the Adeptus Major enters the vault of preparation. At least that's what the old alchemical texts say. In modern terms we might say that he or she is going around the bend. This stage is crucifixion and sacrifice.
The inspired bits and pieces from the intuitive self form dimly perceived patterns. The Adeptus Major gets very excited about these "spiritual truths". A new way of thinking is arising out of these fragments and it is quite understandable as far as it goes. Fascinated by this perception of "truth" the Adeptus Major commits the sacrifice of believing in their own visions rather than what physical reality says or demands. They identify exclusively with their higher self.
The Adeptus Major is free of personal desires, emotions, thoughts, regrets and attachments. Only one thing matters. Perfect union with the divine. They have lost themselves in their passion for mystical experience. To others the Adeptus Major has become a thing of wood with no emotional nature.
Close friends, relatives, and family members are hurt and confused by the distance between themselves and the Adeptus Major. They do not live in the same world and can't reach their loved one .The Adeptus Major is so heavenly bound they are no earthly good.
The Adeptus Major next enters into a deep understanding of cause and effect. The smallest pebble creates ripples that travel throughout the entire universe. Everything that happens affects every other thing. All reality is seen as relative. Occurrences are the result of many small causes and not one big one.This is very compatable with modern chaos theory.
Everything is grey. All is in motion. Good and evil, right and wrong become meaningless concepts. Moral values are imposed by man and not by God/dess. All is pure existentialism. What you see is what you get. The universe is self evident and everything is right in plain view if they could only see it!
All things contain a passive element and an active element that must be balanced. Logic and reason are destroyed. They come to realize all things can logically be proven to be the best that ever happened or the worst that ever happened. Truth is relative. Values are real only to those that perceive them.
At this stage the Adeptus Major confronts their karmic load and understands what must be done to become karma free.
The Adeptus Major knows they are a spiritual being. Their all-consuming goal is perfect realization of the divine Christ spirit within them and complete harmony with their conscience.
By now the spiritual realms are revealed in their entirety. They have developed an incredibly perceptive "Christ Consciousness" and an understanding of their life's work.
Unfortunately they can perceive the goal but can't reach it. Physical reality fights against them. They feel objective consciousness is an unruly beast that refuses to go where it is directed. It is badly in need of discipline. In real terms they don't know how to physically manifest their vision and become very frustrated.
Gradually they work through false thinking and confront the realities of daily life. Hard work each day brings new freedom from the chains of cause and effect.
They may appear quite irrational and fear they are going insane. They may fear but their spiritual lust and intoxication drive them to plunge into spiritual oblivion.
Spiritual oblivion takes the form of intense joy and spiritual bliss. Life is a great joy and dance that needs no other purpose than itself. This mental state is called dancing in the light. The intense harmony holds them spell bound. With joy they realize they are not going insane after all. There is a physical, material purpose to what they are doing. In joy they unite the physical and spiritual within themselves and work toward a united purpose.
They are enthused about the great things they are doing even though no one else understands them.
The inspired bits and pieces from the intuitive self form dimly perceived patterns. The Adeptus Major gets very excited about these "spiritual truths". A new way of thinking is arising out of these fragments and it is quite understandable as far as it goes. Fascinated by this perception of "truth" the Adeptus Major commits the sacrifice of believing in their own visions rather than what physical reality says or demands. They identify exclusively with their higher self.
The Adeptus Major is free of personal desires, emotions, thoughts, regrets and attachments. Only one thing matters. Perfect union with the divine. They have lost themselves in their passion for mystical experience. To others the Adeptus Major has become a thing of wood with no emotional nature.
Close friends, relatives, and family members are hurt and confused by the distance between themselves and the Adeptus Major. They do not live in the same world and can't reach their loved one .The Adeptus Major is so heavenly bound they are no earthly good.
The Adeptus Major next enters into a deep understanding of cause and effect. The smallest pebble creates ripples that travel throughout the entire universe. Everything that happens affects every other thing. All reality is seen as relative. Occurrences are the result of many small causes and not one big one.This is very compatable with modern chaos theory.
Everything is grey. All is in motion. Good and evil, right and wrong become meaningless concepts. Moral values are imposed by man and not by God/dess. All is pure existentialism. What you see is what you get. The universe is self evident and everything is right in plain view if they could only see it!
All things contain a passive element and an active element that must be balanced. Logic and reason are destroyed. They come to realize all things can logically be proven to be the best that ever happened or the worst that ever happened. Truth is relative. Values are real only to those that perceive them.
At this stage the Adeptus Major confronts their karmic load and understands what must be done to become karma free.
The Adeptus Major knows they are a spiritual being. Their all-consuming goal is perfect realization of the divine Christ spirit within them and complete harmony with their conscience.
By now the spiritual realms are revealed in their entirety. They have developed an incredibly perceptive "Christ Consciousness" and an understanding of their life's work.
Unfortunately they can perceive the goal but can't reach it. Physical reality fights against them. They feel objective consciousness is an unruly beast that refuses to go where it is directed. It is badly in need of discipline. In real terms they don't know how to physically manifest their vision and become very frustrated.
Gradually they work through false thinking and confront the realities of daily life. Hard work each day brings new freedom from the chains of cause and effect.
They may appear quite irrational and fear they are going insane. They may fear but their spiritual lust and intoxication drive them to plunge into spiritual oblivion.
Spiritual oblivion takes the form of intense joy and spiritual bliss. Life is a great joy and dance that needs no other purpose than itself. This mental state is called dancing in the light. The intense harmony holds them spell bound. With joy they realize they are not going insane after all. There is a physical, material purpose to what they are doing. In joy they unite the physical and spiritual within themselves and work toward a united purpose.
They are enthused about the great things they are doing even though no one else understands them.