Friday, April 27, 2007
Most world religions claim the universe was created out of the void or out of chaos. Many of these religions believe someday the universe will one day return to the mysterious void from whence it came.
Chaos has been linked in our minds with evil and confusion. To behold the face of Chaos was to go insane. It is ever changing, constant motion that has no order and is completely random.
At least this has been the case in the past. Today the study of chaos is one of the most exciting areas that exist. Chaos theory is at the heart of this book and an understanding of some basics is essential before going on to other things.
Before we confront madness itself a little disclaimer is in order. I don't claim to understand chaos or to have any serious degree of sanity, I do however, have quite chaotic thought processes which should count for something.
Throughout this book the pondering of imponderables will be kept to an absolute minimum, that is a promise I seriously intend to keep.
All the same a few of these chapters may seem rather dry to those that do not appreciate science and technology. Please bear with me and try to grasp the essentials. All else builds upon these early chapters.
This is the first point to understand about chaos theory. There is a place for everything. All viewpoints and all beliefs are valid and must be treated as such. Conflicting beliefs and data do not really conflict, they only seem to.
When any conflict occurs the view point is not broad enough to see the entire picture. You must be able to affirm EVERYTHING.
Here are a few examples:
"I agree with everything that you just said."
"I agree that you know what you are talking about."
"I'm sure that you believe what you are saying."
"I hear what you are telling me."
"Oh, were you talking to me?"
As you can see there are very many levels of credibility at which one can affirm something. This may seem like word play or stupidity but it is very important. If you believe all inputs are valid you will automatically be more tolerant of others and strive to understand their unique perspective. You will begin the process of unification.
You will mentally order things according to levels of credibility and start to think for your self. As you look around the self-evident truths will stand out screaming for your attention while superstitions and absurdities will take the lower levels where they belong.
With the discovery of each new self-evident truth, a strong feeling of freedom and excitement builds within us. Each shackle we loosen gives us new power and energy. Each concept we are exposed to stretches our minds and once stretched it can never go back to a smaller view.
This is particularly true in the area of parapsychology and metaphysics. Where everything is so subjective how is it possible to know what is true and what is wishful thinking? Does magic work? Are miracles possible? Do ghosts really exist and if they do can they hurt me?
These and other questions make our heads spin and lead us often to the very doors of Chaos itself, not to mention possible hallucinations and psychotic breaks. Let us be honest here. Many magical traditions make a point that such study is not for the emotionally or mentally troubled.
In fact, they encourage counseling and therapy as a supplement to their own studies.
Relax! This trip is not going to be an acid trip. The whole purpose of this book is to wed these "subjective" areas to hard science and to hopefully gain a more realistic perspective that allows us to live the kind of life we want to.
This next section gives some examples of what I call self-evident truths. It is only a small selection, but it should be enough to get your mental juices flowing and to illustrate what is meant by ALL INPUTS ARE VALID.
Any supreme being is by definition infinite and in the truest sense unknowable. It is a waste of time and energy to pursue infinite regression type questions such as the nature of God/dess.
Theological debates such as "how many angels can fit on the end of a pin" have been around for centuries. They effectively render a person harmless and passive while allowing the cynic's positions of advantage throughout society.
If a personal relationship with God/dess is desired it will be found through prayer and meditation and not through "inspired" writings, doctrines, or organized religious movements. God/dess will speak through our hearts and through our conscience if we will listen.
We can argue until doomsday about what happens when we die and it will not change the way it really is. Just because we believe in heaven or hell doesn't mean they really exist. We have no way of knowing until we experience it ourselves. If we have a personal relationship with God/dess it doesn't matter what happens after we die.
There is evidence that self awareness requires both a "soul" body and a physical body. This implies the soul MUST reincarnate into a new physical human body after leaving the old one.
As already stated, there is no proof for this and belief or disbelief will not change the way things really are. There are several advantages to accepting this concept however.
Immediately we are confronted by the need to act responsibly. Heaven or hell are seen as states of mind and not as physical realities. They are mental and emotional realities.
We can not escape our problems through suicide because we will just find our selves back in another body facing the same or similar problems all over again.
We can create heaven on earth for ourselves and for our fellow human beings.
The Devil is seen as a scapegoat we use to avoid responsibility for our actions. "The Devil made me do it!" becomes one of the lamest excuses imaginable.
Each person is given a unique perspective based upon past experience and current beliefs. It is entirely possible to be right or correct in your own mind and dead wrong to someone else.
It is important to recognize the truth and validity in each individual's viewpoint. Piece by piece we gather knowledge from others and add it to our own to develop a personal belief system.
Given our individual life's circumstances, our personal backgrounds, and our past experiences, we are all trying to get through life the best we know how to.
Our physical body is our friend. Physical desires are good and sexual relationships are good. At least all of these things could be good if we allowed ourselves to have them.
By believing there is good in everyone we confront the good in ourselves.
Positive thinking colors neutral events in a positive way. Negative thinking colors neutral events in a negative way.
By now it should be clear that ALL INPUTS ARE VALID doesn't mean total acceptance of every hair-brained idea that comes along. It means putting everything into its proper perspective. It means that everything belongs, not that everything is true.
If someone believes the world is flat, they will act as if the world is flat. If you want to deal effectively with this person you must take his beliefs into account because they guide his actions, not reality.
A second basic of chaos theory is that all things are interconnected and affect each other in a cumulative way. A minor incident may cause a more profound change in the outcome of events than ever previously considered. The efforts of one man or woman can change the world.
Events are seen as being caused by lots of "little things" instead of having just one or two causes. As this type of thinking leads to infinite regression type questions we won't explore it any further.
Besides being the longest basic of chaos theory, this is the most important one. As Einstein pointed out to us, matter and energy are interchangeable. We can think of everything as being an energy system if we want to. The following are some examples:
If we think about something long enough and hard enough we will start to get emotional about it. Our mental energy reaches a critical stage where it becomes emotional energy.
If we get emotional enough about something we are driven to physical action. Our emotional energy reaches a critical stage where it becomes physical nerve energy.
The energy must build up to a stressful chaotic level before it can change to a more physical type of energy. If we fill our life with infinite regression type thoughts and worries the energy bleeds away uselessly and nothing gets done. We spend our lives living in our heads!
Everything follows this basic pattern of progressive growth, disillusionment or death and rebirth. Both magical and mystical traditions accept this and teach it. Conceptual initiation comes first.
The novice is expected to master the theoretical work, the dogma and special activities. This is a period of steady and progressive growth as the novice creates the tradition's matrix within himself. He or she is creating a personal belief system based upon the teachings of the Order.
Upon mastery of the matrix or tradition the novice reaches a critical point where he can go no further. This is called the "Dark Night of the Soul" or "Crossing the Abyss" by some traditions. The new matrix is not active yet within the person because old beliefs and life styles prevent its emergence. This is a chaotic time where the ego and sense of self are totally destroyed so that they can be rebuilt and "reborn" into a newer and more satisfying structures.
They have read and studied the material but are not yet ready to commit their lives to it. This is a difficult time of tension and stress.
A person can go through many "Dark nights of the Soul" in their lifetime as they increase the quality of their life. "Born Again" Christians experience this as the ego shifts from awareness of being a physical, mortal body to an awareness of being more than a physical body, to that of being an immortal soul.
Some of us are interested in achieving "mastery" of our lives. This is the path of self empowerment and total realization of our potentials. To us this offers the ultimate in life and we are drawn toward it as a moth is drawn toward a candle flame. We do not care about the total destruction of our lives that must take place before this can be achieved. We somehow think we will be spared much of the agony, at least until it is too late.
The book of Job in the Bible has much to teach us about this experience. We will lose everything we hold dear and love and only our faith in God/dess will carry us through to the rebirth of our lives of "mastery". This is the ultimate in life and is not for the faint hearted. The loss and agony are often absolute.
This is what the quantum leap is about as we are propelled and driven into new areas of existence we never dreamed were possible.
In summary, the new science of chaos theory can be extended from math and science into the realm of everyday life. The O.A.K. matrix given in this book makes extensive use of the basic principles of chaos theory to explain "subjective" material in a manner that is consistent with modern scientific thought.
Chaos theory itself is not as complex as many think but it does require a shift in a person's view of the world. Instead of madness and chaos it can be a binding agent that unites science, religion, philosophy, and metaphysics together.
The most important thing to understand is that energies and stresses will grow to a chaotic and almost intolerable level before they change into a new form and become stable once more. It is the stress of living that causes growth and quantum leaps.
Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
Magister Templi Technorati Tags : psychic, paranormal, dreams, dreaming, survivalism, new-age, metaphysical, occult, mysticism, spirituality
Thursday, April 19, 2007
OAK Energy Ball Meditation
There are many ways to release these pockets of trapped and repressed emotional energy. Rieki or massage can do it and so can yoga or other types of physical exercise. A more gentle approach is through some type of meditation that safely brings this energy into awareness. Freud's method of free association does this. Dianetics Book One processing does this in an even more effective manner. The OAK Energy Ball Meditation does this even more effectively.
When these circuits are fully open a form of alternating bio-electrical energy is allowed to pass through that is responsible for most psychic phenomenon and conscious awareness experiences. When the current is allowed to flow only one way as in direct current these psychic phenomena are not likely to occur.
Radio and Television are examples of modern applications using alternating current. The alternating current or sinus rhythm is pervasive within the human body. This includes brain waves, nerve energy and heart beat. It is the lower energies of fear, pain, sexual energy and anger that block these pathways and accumulate to dangerous quantities within the physical body.
It is ironic that the development of these same energies in a free flowing and healthy state bring the most power to manifest things in life. They are the energies people regard as charismatic. The development of charisma and personal magnetism depends upon the generation and accumulation of these energies and their healthy use. Training in the martial arts is an example of a method of generating and developing these energies.
The development and accumulation of physical or sexual energies is not safe until the psyche has been purged of all past repressions and "buried" traumas that form black pockets of negative energy within the body. Development of lower energies tend to activate these pockets of "black" repressed energy sometimes resulting in "knee jerk" behavior where we do and say things impulsively without even knowing we are doing or saying them. This happens when the repressed and trapped emotional energy breaks free and travels through the nervous system.
In the medical profession this is called "psychotic" behavior and is not what we want to be doing! Instead we purge these repressed energies out of our system one at a time. The safest way of doing this is working from the "top" downward.
We do this by generating "mental" or "spiritual" energy and forcing increased bio-electrical energy flow within our bodies. The OAK process is in my opinion safe enough for anyone to use. As a precaution, though, people in poor physical, mental, or emotional health should not follow any of these procedures without their doctor's consent. I am not a doctor. The following expresses my opinion about what is happening and why it happens.
I must stress the incredible power of this method. In a matter of days we gain an increasing number of "insights" into our personal affairs. At first these will be "insights" into our personal philosophy of life as our mental outlook begins to clarify and complete itself. This happens through working with mental energies.
When our belief system is complete enough our awareness will transfer itself to the mental level permanently. From this mental level we will be able to objectively deal with the "repressed" emotional pain and trauma from the past. Moving into the mental level makes working with past emotional trauma much safer.
Our ego will be centered at the mental level where it is safe and in control. This is very important because releasing this "black" energy into awareness is very traumatic. As I went through this process I was seeing a psychologist as a precaution to ensure I was in no danger of "losing it".
The gains and personal insights I was making at that time were so remarkable my psychologist described my personality as "fluid"! At the same time my ego was very strong and plastic and in no danger of being fragmented in any way.
Anyone can experience the same rapid personal growth and may at times be alarmed. Most of the time we will be joyous at the chance to rid ourselves of these "ghosts" from the past that prevent us from living the type of life we really want. THIS IS THE REAL THING!
This meditation purifies both the physical body and psyche so it can handle the more powerful and intense sexual and physical energies. It also opens one up to the lunar and solar cycles whereby monthly and seasonal energies are added to your own personal efforts and personal development is greatly accelerated.
This exercise should be done at least once a day and if possible twice a day. The entire exercise lasts only about ten minutes but its effects are felt throughout the day and the night in spontaneous "insights", lucid dreaming, and a marked increase in psychic abilities in general.
Seat yourself comfortably with your spine straight and your hands resting comfortably on your lap.
Take a few deep breaths to relax and get into the right frame of mind. Close your eyes and visualize a ball of energy about four inches above your head. Keep trying until you can visualize this ball of energy easily and vividly.
The action of visualizing a ball of energy "outside" of the body is a very complex action. It involves a high degree of abstract thought and is at first very difficult. It requires a lot of energy in the head area as well as the ability to focus this energy.
The most important suggestion here is that practice makes perfect. A headache may result from this exercise if a person is not used to abstract thought of any kind. This is not serious unless it persists. A few days of not doing the exercise should correct the problem.
This exercise causes increased blood flow and oxygen to the brain and to the pituitary and pineal glands stimulating them to increased activity.
The idea of step one is to gradually strengthen these glands and increase their hormone activity. They are the master glands of the body and control other endocrine gland activity. This is the first step in increased health benefits.
Visualizing the energy ball as a rotating ball of energy helps to stabilize the visualization. Rather than clockwise or counter clockwise I always felt better rolling it like a snowball with the energy going up the back and down the front. This is similar to the way kundalini energy goes up the spine and then flows down the front of the body.
After visualizing a stable rotating ball of energy about four inches above your head, begin to visualize a second ball of energy surrounding the pineal gland in the center of the brain. This will directly stimulate the pineal gland. Simply forget about the first ball of energy and let it be. Turn your focus on creating a ball of energy right in the center of the brain.
Do the same thing as before mentally rotating it to help the energy stabilize. You may feel a strange sensation in your head as you are doing this. Increased blood flow is going to your brain. When this ball of energy is stabilized go back to the first ball of energy that is above your head and refresh it.
At first it will be difficult to visualize two energy balls at the same time. Rapidly switch awareness from one to the other until both are visualized at the same time. Continue this until both energy balls can be visualized quickly and easily. Each ball of energy is created out of a different type of energy. Take your time and make certain you are doing the meditation correctly.
With both energy balls clearly visualized try to mentally force them together into one big energy ball. At first they will resist going together because the energy is not “synchronized”. It will seem like trying to push two balloons together. You will sense the resistance. Be persistent and keep trying until both energy balls merge together into one larger energy ball.
When the energy balls do finally merge together into one big energy ball there will be a definite shift of awareness that can be felt. The center of the big energy ball will have shifted toward the back of the head and it will feel as if half of it is protruding from the top and back of the head. Before this both balls were centered on and over the middle of the head.
This will be accompanied by an intense sensation of light and energy as illumination. Some have described the sensation as getting a buzz or getting high. There will be no mistaking when the two types of energy fuse together. It is a very powerful experience. Some people have been frightened by the experience and refused to continue further with the meditation.
Now it will feel like a basketball sized energy ball is half in your head and half outside the back of your head. This feeling will be very pronounced and definite.
Two types of energy are now synchronized together and working as “one” energy. Try to maintain this “locked together” visualization as long as possible. “Spiritual” energy is directing and fusing with pineal gland energy and stimulating all of the endocrine glands in a beneficial way. The pineal gland is the master gland of the body and will begin to work with the spiritual energy and distribute it throughout the physical body.
This begins the process of physical rejuvenation and increased health with all of the glands “synchronized” and working together. This is your direct connection to “Cosmic Energy”.
After successfully visualizing the big energy ball, visualize a second energy ball centered directly behind the eyebrows where the pituitary gland or “third eye” is located. Forget about the big energy ball and focus on the new energy ball rotating it as before until it is stable.
When this is clearly visualized try to merge the two energy balls together. As before they will resist at first but when they do merge there will be a definite shift of awareness toward the center of the head. The combined energy ball will be much larger and fit around the head like a fishbowl. The sensation will not be as strong as the first time but you will be able to feel the separate energies fuse into one single energy.
A distinct awareness of a very large energy ball that extends around the head will result. With this experience will come the absolute certainty that the pituitary and pineal glands are “phase locked” together with the third “spiritual” energy. This is the formation of a resonant circuit within the brain itself! It will try to maintain itself through the day. This is the reason for the incredible gains of this method. After a few successful attempts this will be a permanent change.
The “phase locked” condition also causes the “master glands” to work together more closely than ever before. This alters the operation of the endocrine glands in a more harmonious way causing subtle changes throughout the entire body and releasing trapped “black” energy.
A few successful attempts will result in a permanent change with all three types of energy “phase locked” together. At first it was hard to merge them. Now it will be hard to separate them from each other.
This step completes the construction of the basic "energy ball" used in the remaining steps. After visualizing the energy ball as described in the first four steps you have integrated the energy of the crown chakra and third eye chakra. These have formed a large ball of energy that is surrounding the entire head. Now visualize a second energy ball located on the thyroid glands in the center of the throat.
Spin the energy ball to help stabilize it. As before merge this second energy ball with the large one to create an even larger energy ball. This is more difficult than the earlier steps because of the sheer size of the visualization. The finished ball extends above the head a little and includes the throat area. The "phase locking" sensation may be more difficult to sense. Keep working at it until you sense all of the energies blending together. This may even seem like a fog of energy that surrounds you.
After the ability is gained to easily create this large "phase locked" energy ball there are several ways to strengthen it. My choice is to mentally rotate it from the top of the head forward like a ball rolling in front of me. This motion helps to stabilize and strengthen it.
At this point you have an energy ball made up of four different energies that have "synchronized" together as harmonics or octaves of each other. They are locked together in a "phase locked" circuit that resists change and seeks to maintain itself. Your point of awareness should be able to easily move anywhere within this ball moving from one type of energy to another.
When this point is reached there will be a permanent change taking place in your awareness. These energies will begin to bleed through into each other and open blocked energy pathways.
Your entire day will be filled with one "insight" after another in a way that is truly incredible. Your mental processes are going through a complete overhaul as you fine tune and perfect your personal belief system.
Illuminations will fill in the missing pieces for you and you will gain many useful understandings.
This "locking" together of these energies is a wonderful thing and will begin the process of regeneration within your physical body. Parts of your psyche will begin to fit together as never before.
After you have perfected the basic energy ball it is time to start working with it in a deliberate and conscious manner. Your awareness can reside in this energy ball. In a way this energy ball is an astral vehicle for your awareness. We are going to use it to open the blocked energy pathways within the body.
This energy ball is your "safe" area where you can safely come to terms with "buried" and repressed emotional baggage and trapped "black" energy. In this safe area you bring "black" energy under conscious control. You begin by working from the top downward one layer at a time.
After forming the energy ball try to raise it as high into the spiritual light as you can. From this point on always attempt this contact with the "light" because it is your energy source. Feel your mind and awareness rise as if it is in an elevator as you raise the energy ball into the light. Move the energy ball up and down and feel your awareness move up and down with it. Get used to the feeling of your awareness rising and lowering through these different energy levels.
Next try forcing the energy ball down the spine. Because the rest of the body is not "synchronized" there will be resistance and it will not want to go very far. Make this attempt at least three times before quitting. After the third try raise the ball as high as it will go toward your "energy source". Your energy ball will have accumulated "dark" energy and need to be purified in the light.
As the energy ball comes in contact with repressed "black" energy it grabs the black energy like a magnet. This black energy will cling to the energy ball. Only moving the energy ball back up into the light will release the black energy.
This is important because your downward efforts have loosened quite a bit of "black" energy and brought it to your awareness in a shocking manner. The spiritual or light energy helps to dissolve and neutralize the "black" energy keeping you soundly in control of those waves of emotion that will begin to wash over you later during the day.
This simple practice will release incredible amounts of trapped emotional energy allowing it to be used for other purposes. It is possible to intensify the experience by taking a deep breath and holding it while both raising the ball and forcing it downward against the resistance. Try it first without holding your breath. When you have done as much as you can move to this next step. Take your time. This may take several sessions. You are releasing toxins from the body and turning them over to your higher power.
The method I used was to inhale, hold my breath and mentally push the energy ball downward. Then I would exhale and inhale and exhale normally before repeating. This practice of holding the breath as long as comfortable is extremely powerful because it forces oxygen into the blood and then into the brain. It can easily cause dizziness and should only be used with caution by those in excellent health.
Even if done only once a day this exercise will release "trapped" emotional energy throughout the entire day as spontaneous waves that suddenly wash over you. As a result you will be very preoccupied with your personal growth and healing process. It will be a highly disruptive period but a very productive one.
As I was working through some of my "black" energy I felt what I was doing was the most important thing I had ever done in my life. I was freeing myself from past karma that had held me back my entire life. It was also the most exciting thing I had ever done and was very intense. I could feel the power flowing through me!
Early Christians called this type of experience taking away your sins or freeing yourself from your sins. They had their own method of releasing this trapped emotional energy.
By the time you are able to move the energy ball down into the solar plexus area you will notice something very disturbing. The energy ball will go down quite easily but will tend to get "stuck" when you try to raise it back up! Some people have noticed this at the throat chakra. This indicates a deeply rooted emotional trauma that is not easily released. It is like a time bomb of toxic energy inside us waiting to go off. The best thing to do is to not force things and gently work the energy ball up and down the spine several times.
Each time the energy ball rises up the spine little slivers or splinters of "black" energy will be released. Work past the deeply buried problem area and the energy will release itself. This will probably happen as a spontaneous release of emotional weeping. As an example I was working through some childhood issues when suddenly I was overwhelmed by feelings of emotional abandonment I had experienced as a child and repressed as too painful to remember. That toxic energy had been trapped in my physical body since I was a child. This did not happen during the meditation but later during the day.
After two hours of emotional sobbing and releasing the energy I felt better than I ever had in my life. Something bad in my life was no longer there. It had been released. If this energy had not been released it would have been released in knee-jerk psychotic behaviors beyond my conscious control. This is what I mean by safely releasing the energy and working the energy ball from the top down.
This also stresses the importance of developing the energy ball as a safe area for your awareness to retreat to if it has to. From the mental perspective it is easier to deal with these emotional time-bombs we all have within us. It allows us to remain in control and "safely" experience and release that which must be experienced and released.
Continue moving the energy ball downward until it can move freely from the base of the spine to the top of the head without any restrictions or releases of "black" energy. When this has been accomplished your entire body will be phase locked with the spiritual energy source above your head.
"Spiritual energy" can now circulate freely throughout your entire body making small adjustments to increase your health and vitality. Emotional, sexual, and physical energy still can't circulate freely because they are denser and much slower. They require much more purification. Still, now this can be safely done. The inner circuits already opened will act as emergency relief valves when pockets of denser "black" energy are activated and released.
After moving the energy ball completely up and down the spine without resistance try forcing it downward toward the center of the earth. This will tap into more "black" energy that is surrounding your environment. By releasing this energy into your awareness you are defusing potentially dangerous situations by gaining awareness of them and neutralizing the charge they carry.
This earth energy will activate more "black" energy within your body and shake it loose so you can get rid of it. As long as your energy ball is "phase locked" with the spiritual power source all released "black" energy will go upward until it comes into conscious awareness where it can be dealt with safely and harmlessly. In AA this is termed turning things over to a "Higher Power". We are using the energy ball to do this in a more mechanical way.
There is a power point where your feet touch the earth. Create an energy ball at this point and work with it as before. There are nine chakra points. Seven are within the body. One is just above the top of the head and one is where the feet touch the earth.
With practice you will be able to effortlessly move the energy ball deep within the earth and raise it upward as high as possible until it disappears into the "spiritual" light. Doing this will draw earth energy up into your body as a second power source. It will also create a column of light that goes from your spiritual power source down into the center of the earth to connect with your earth power source and with element #118.
This will establish a strong two way current within your physical body and anchor both power sources in a way that will make them constantly open and active. This ensures rapid growth and development as all parts of your body and psyche begin to "phase lock" together.
Only at this point is it safe to work will the strong physical and sexual energies in any serious manner.
For all practical purposes this completes the "lesser" work and begins the work of working with the dense earth energies. It took about six months for me to do. I have done it with groups of people in two hours. Working as a group makes the process much easier because you are able to draw on other groups members for help through the tough spots.
With the opening of these channels added energy flows through the body as the result of both solar and lunar influences. Now these powerful cycles are adding their energy with yours and individual progress is greatly accelerated. You become a channel for cosmic energies, solar energies and lunar energies.
When completed this meditation creates a permanent change within the energy channels of the physical body. It opens and releases blocked areas. I have done this with over sixty people in different group settings with similar results and feedback.
It is the most powerful way I know of to open the major energy channels within the body. It is also the fastest and safest.
In Masonry the "Royal Arch Degree" symbolizes what this meditation does. The mason is searching for the lost word and treasure. Among the ruins of an old building they excavate and find a hidden chamber. Beneath that chamber lies another chamber and beneath that yet another. Depending upon the variation of masonry there are seven or nine chambers that must be excavated to reach the bottom and find the lost word.
This meditation uses nine chambers, the seven within the physical body,one above the body and one beneath the body. It connects these chambers with two sources of cosmic power. Spiritual energy is tapped as high into the light as possible to reach. We lift the energy ball into the light until the toxic energy it carries is released.
The second source of cosmic power lies at the center of the earth. We draw that up into our lives for increased health and empowerment.
Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
Magister Templi Technorati Tags : psychic, paranormal, dreams, dreaming, survivalism, new-age, metaphysical, occult, mysticism, spirituality
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Duality-Sexual Alchemy
In chapter one we explored the normal stages of male ego development. Ego development and spiritual growth proceeded through a series of stages or steps culminating in a type of awareness beyond mental awareness that has been called Cosmic Consciousness.
This is the direct perception of self evident truth and the archetypal nature of existence. This path of development has also been termed the mystical path. It is driven through prayer and meditation.
In chapter two we took the opposite and suggested it may represent the normal stages of female ego development. In retrospect we can see this path represents biological stages of development with emphasis on three distinct phases each female may progress through. These are the stages of maid, mother and crone. They are driven by biological factors. Family, relationships and service are very important.
These two opposite paths both appear reasonable and logical and we are confronted with paradox. Both views extend from the lowest levels of awareness to the highest levels of awareness. Both are natural opposites of the other.
Classic books like "Men are from Mars;Women are from Venus" give further evidence that males and females do experience life differently. I will go so far as to claim that males will default to a spiritual/intellectual view of living while being intensely drawn toward sensual/biological experiences.
Males will be drawn to the female path and experience it briefly but they can not sustain contact with it.
Females will be intensely drawn to a spiritual/intellectual view of living but default to sensual/biological experiences. They will be drawn to the male path and experience it briefly but can not sustain contact with it. They will loose interest in constant head tripping.
Another factor of interest is that almost any female can experience the complete range of ego development through dating, pregnancy, child birth, and menopause. Some females may be more successful than others but they all reach the pinnacle and regain their connection with Goddess. This is a holistic path.
The male path is quite different in that many males are not able to progress up the steps to the higher levels of ego development. They remain stuck at uncompleted stages for their entire lives. Progress to the next stage is not allowed until the current stage is mastered. This is a linear path.
We form relationships with the opposite sex to help us grow as individuals and as love partners. The dynamic energy exchange between these two paths propel us to become whole.
In this chapter we will form connections between the two views that reflect personal experience and help balance our inner male and female aspects. The degree format is not used in this chapter. Instead the male and female are seen as interacting with each other at ten separate levels.
The similarity between this chapter and such practices as "drawing down the moon" are noteworthy.
The man and woman agree to work together as an inseparable team to accomplish their desired goals. Since they are meeting primarily on the mental plane it is vital they have as many interests in common as possible. These common interests will help to bridge the vast spiritual gap that will face them later in the work and strengthen their sense of purpose. They are drawn together through a magnetic attraction called love. Romantic love relationships are sacred. Combined their energy is magickal.
The man should have a very idealistic and spiritual nature. He will be using male energy as a catalyst to lift her spiritual nature to those spiritual heights where she can contact the Goddess within.
When this contact is made she becomes the Goddess and by transforming his generated energy causes it to manifest objectively as healing energy or she directs it for stated magical objectives. He has the surplus energy she needs to achieve her goals. Alone his energy is wild and undirected. Together they can achieve miracles.
Using the male and female energies correctly is a form of tantric sex magic. This may or may not involve sex or orgasm. What is required is foreplay and sexual tension that is prolonged until intense sexual, emotional, and spiritual energies are generated between them.
Through physical contact these energies merge into her aura and stabilize. If they are fully clothed holding hands together will allow this exchange of energies to take place. In essence any type of male/female interaction will create sparks. This is the spark of sexual excitement.
In magical work sincerity of purpose is important, not ritual. Whatever is done must be original and meaningful to them alone. It must inspire emotions and arouse their desires. To perform this type of sexual alchemy takes time. Mentally and emotionally explore each other step by step. There are ten steps.
Each of the following objectives must be mastered completely before going on to the next. Each objective describes the male and female response as the male generates spiritual energy and invokes the Goddess within her. These steps are the two previous chapters combined as they describe the romantic interaction between two people in love.
There are ten stages or objectives that relationships progress through under normal conditions. See if you can recognize these first five.
1. In this first objective the male struggles to be both body and spirit. He strives to become one with the Christ spirit within him while still maintaining an awareness of his physical body.
He looks at her and recognizes the Goddess. He sees her as a spiritual being placing her on a pedestal and mentally kneels before her. He has expectations and standards for her that are so high only a Goddess could fulfill them. He does not feel worthy of her love.
She feels his energy coming into her aura and body. Mentally she identifies with the spiritual Goddess within her and opens herself to embrace his energy. This is true Goddess love. She acts through instinct and recognizes what sensations his energy produces in her physical body.
All options are explored. She allows this. She loves herself and the whole world. She accepts his worship of her. She is the Goddess. His love makes her feel lovable.
2. In this second objective she becomes the ideal for him as he gets to know her better. Mentally he tries to understand her. She is beyond logic and reason.
All answers merely bring more questions. She is a great mystery. She is good, she is evil, she is life, she is death, she is sin, she is salvation, she is illusion, she is reality.
His intellect is inadequate and he tries to intuitively understand her instead. He is in a complete intellectual fog and at her mercy. Words can't express his feelings toward her.
Her body rejoices with eagerness. Everything is right. She is a physical Goddess. Her body obeys her mind. she feels stability and peace. She has no expectations of him at all. Everything is new and fresh. All is fulfillment.
She feels his energy influence her sensually. Her emotions are becoming aroused. There is great joy and freedom in exploring these new sensations. She identifies more and more with her body as she sees its effect on him. Her body can not be wrong. It can deal with anything that comes along. He is wrapped around her little finger. She uses her body deliberately to get reactions from him. She uses body language.
3. He begins to trust his intuition above other things. She is the Goddess and he is in love. There is no one else for him or ever will be. She is his Goddess. He is content to bask in her radiance, to merely be close to her. He never felt he could find someone that was so right for him. It's like a fairy tale dream. He wants to have sex with her. Her energy makes his entire body shiver.
Her new body awareness is strange and she feels timid, shy, and uncertain. She feels weak and powerless compared to him. The very force of the emotions he is generating threaten to overwhelm her.
Instead of reaching spiritual heights the force of his emotions is plunging her down the steep incline into sensual materialism. Recklessly and joyously she forsakes all spiritual values and lets it take her where it will. This is also part of being a Goddess. She wants to have sex with him.
4. He finds joy and peace in daydreaming about her. He lets his imagination run wild as he explores fantasy after fantasy. His daydreams become more real than she is. It is what she spiritually represents that he is in love with. He tries to draw this Goddess down into her physical body with his imagination. When they have sex he is making love to the Goddess and not to her.
She feels apprehension and sorrow at her sudden exposure to the intensity of his emotions. He is now generating tangible psychic force and she must accept it and transform it. This force at first seems hostile and threatening. It stirs her emotions wildly. This is her first eye opening exposure to the forces that can be generated this way.
It is both terrifying and exciting. How can he have so much energy? It is too much for her so she tries to channel his energy upward to the Goddess. Sex is not what she thought is would be and she instinctively feels that something is not right about how he feels about her. He doesn't really know her.
5. He realizes she is holding back and having difficulties with his energy. He turns his vast creative energies exclusively toward developing a type of energy she can work with. Through trial and error he examines the nature of the energy he is sending her. He perfects and refines each type of energy until he can send each type to her at will. Physical sex entraps both of them and she becomes pregnant.
She is totally overwhelmed by the varieties and force of the energies he is sending. This is a totally new experience and she becomes afraid of loosing herself completely in this wild vortex of raw sensual, emotional, and spiritual forces.
Even though she tries to be careful she finds herself being dragged deeper and deeper into his wild energies and she can't escape. She is loosing control. He is beginning to dominate her. Then she becomes pregnant.
6. At this point it is time for him to slack off and forget about romance for awhile. He should just enjoy her company and share social activities with her. They are going to have a child together.
Sensual pursuits are fun. As he turns the power down she relaxes and they both turn to a life of total hedonism and enjoyment. She enjoys his company and needs his energy but only a little at a time.
After a while she craves larger and larger doses of his raw energy. She learns how to deal with it effectively. It begins to give her power and energy and she can return some of it back to him in a new form.
7. He thinks seriously about forming a permanent relationship with her. He pours his energy and vigor out to her with an intensity that borders on insanity because it is so strong.
As she receives his energy she becomes completely self-centered. This is the only way she can effectively direct the forces he is generating. She has to be in total control, there can be no weakness. She uses her will to focus his energy toward those things she desires.
8. As she takes total control he begins to suspect she doesn't love him, that she is just using him to get what she wants. What about the things he wants? He has to fight these doubts and be patient with her at this time. All she seems to care about is the child.
The entire world spreads out before her. She can carve out of it whatever she will. She can use him and his energies as she wishes to achieve her dream. There is no mental hesitation or uncertainty. She goes for the achievement of her dream. She is having a baby!
9. He seems to be only a servant to her but then he remembers that is what he wanted to be. She is the Goddess. He wanted to build her dream for her and now she is using his energy to do just that! Working together they are both achieving those things they wished for. This is the beginning of high magic. They are making a family.
She is the Goddess, a force of nature, unstoppable. She perceives the karmic need for excitement, thrills, and vitality. She knows when to support him and when to bitch at him to get him fired up enough to do something. She gives him inspiration and takes from him what she needs.
10. Blinded by his love for her he sacrifices himself. He projects everything he has and is into her. He is free of all personal desires and plunges into spiritual death and rebirth.
She accepts his sacrifice. She embraces all that he is and resolves to make him complete in all things. It will take all of her power to completely contain his expansive energies but she sacrifices everything she is to do this.
11. They merge. They are one. They are a single unit, a new being. There are no barriers between them. They have become one soul and one family.
12. Their entire personal universe is now recreated on all levels in their image. All is realized, all is complete.
Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
Magister Templi Technorati Tags : psychic, paranormal, dreams, dreaming, survivalism, new-age, metaphysical, occult, mysticism, spirituality
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Duality-The Female
As a theory suppose this "opposite" type of ego development reflects the normal developmental process for females. Let's see if this is feasible and of interest. Remember, the feminine nature exists within all of us, male and female.
As a study of duality we will presume “Duality-The Male” reflects the normal process of personality development in males. This is just an exercise to see what happens and is not to be taken too seriously.
“Duality-The Male” does represent the known stages of ego and personality development known through mystery schools of the past. Trying to create an "unknown" or "hidden" opposite type of ego and personality development is a study in the concept of duality. "If something is true, it's opposite must also be true."
No offense is intended. It is hoped additional insight into the dynamics of male/female interactions may be discovered. It is also intended as an aid in the perception of duality and the energy dynamics within male/female relationships and love in general. With this viewpoint the female is born with Goddess awareness having an intuitive perception of all things. She is born "psychic".
Neophyte Degree
As a child she has the ability to easily express herself with words. Everyone is struck by her innocence and perceptiveness and they listen to what she has to say. She wants to share her Goddess perspective with others. Her words sting with truth. She is a Goddess within a child's body and understands all things are possible. Good things can happen to everyone. She is optimistic and has the ability to do what ever she wants.
Intuitively she knows all karma resolves itself in the end. She can be carefree. As a teenager it is easy and natural to rebel against socially acceptable behavior. Her parents become alarmed and restrain her unmercifully to no avail. She learns to manipulate people and pull their strings to get what she wants.
Emotionally she has no strongly focused personal desires. She flits from one thing to the next in seconds and has everything she really wants. She feels joy and happiness as each wish is fulfilled. Life is good and she knows her desires will come true. It is hard to wait. There is no strong concept of time and the days blur together.
She dreams about her future life and what she will be when she grows up. She wants to be a bride and marry a prince. She has total control over her destiny at this point. With her Goddess awareness she can create the life she chooses. She is in control. Her intuition is highly developed and she can see how long term goals will work out. It is important she has a dream to inspire her to greater things.
Intuitively she knows there is no right or wrong. All things are potentials for exploration. She goes against her parents and gets others in trouble. She keeps secrets. There is apathy and depression because of an inability to choose only one direction out of the many that are pulling her in different ways. She might have trouble getting started but still she finds great joy and pride in the accomplishments of others.
Culture, religion, and philosophical concepts are very confusing. She appears very naive. Everything seems to go against her inner nature and is not harmonious. She is told how to think and how to act and she resents it. She rebels and rejects authority. The elders are blind, they don't understand what she sees with her Goddess perception.
People are born, animals are born, plants grow from seeds. She is fascinated that one day she will be able to give birth. What will it be like? Where does the baby come from? How can the miracle of birth be? It seems unreal. Will it hurt her?
Her parents and society tell her sex is bad but how can it be bad if it produces babies? She intuits that sex is a need for a full life. With the beginning of her periods sex becomes a portion of her life that can not be ignored. The same is true for the mood swings that surge like waves through her.
Zelator Degree
She discovers that by appealing to others she can achieve physical goals easily. Everyone wants to please her. All nature appears bountiful and cooperative. There is enough for everyone. All she can do is good and she is impersonal love. She has light feelings of innocence and worthiness.
She is naive and tries weakly to enter into physical life. She is in her early teens, the Goddess awareness is withdrawing. She reacts to physical and emotional stimulus. She is turning her back on the Goddess within and facing an exciting and unknown world with mental awareness.
She notices others are fascinated by her body. She can wrap them around her finger by teasing them and flirting. She admires her body and seeks to be more beautiful. She spends her days in joy, experimentation, and curiosity loving herself. She is becoming more of a Goddess.
Nature and the world surround her with life, vitality, and sensuality. She identifys with it. She rejects her spiritual nature and accepts physical life. She has to live. Life is a joy and a reward. She can do anything. All things are possible. She identifies with a physical sensual body and a sharp inquisitive mind.
Mind and body are highly integrated. Her connection with the Goddess awareness is mental. She doesn't need to think about it anymore. There is a sense of belonging and companionship in social activities. Her intellect is brilliant. As she withdraws from her Goddess awareness she looses her source of spiritual energy. Spiritual growth can no longer be done alone.
She doesn't always get her way in things and gets into trouble. As her spiritual energy leaves, she becomes increasingly involved in wild emotional currents. Her mental clarity suffers and her intellect and reasoning ability gradually drop as they are overwhelmed by the emotions.
She will seek company, laugh with good companions, and enjoy the delights of the world. As she begins to deliberately use people she has less compassion, becomes cold hearted and lonelier.
Practicus Degree
In spite of all efforts she looses contact with her spiritual Goddess awareness as she grows older. At the end of this cycle there is not even an intuition connection. What she is left with is her intellect.
At the beginning of this cycle she mentally identifies with the spiritual Goddess, but opens herself to embrace all things. This is true Goddess love. She acts through instinct.
With the beginning of her periods she begins to recognize the physical nature in herself. All options are explored to the fullest. She loves herself and the whole world. Her body rejoices with eagerness.
Everything is right. She has entered the physical realm and the Goddess is still supreme as an ideal although unreachable.
The body obeys the mind. She has all the answers and understands all things or thinks that she does. All is self-evident. There is stability and peace. She has no expectations. Everything is new and fresh. All is fulfillment. This is the first half of this degree.
The second half is more difficult. She moves from a position of empowerment to a position of weakness. As sensuality and the emotions become stronger, her spiritual Goddess nature is dismissed carelessly. There is great joy in freedom. Everything is fresh and clear. No intellectual fog. She identifies more and more with her body and her physical environment.
Her body can't be wrong. It knows what is good for it or not good for it. Everything is clear. The body can deal with anything that comes along. She trusts her body over reason. Her body can get her things that her reason can't.
This birth of body consciousness alters her thought processes. Abstract symbols become difficult and unimportant. She uses words, emotions and body language. Her new body awareness is strange and she feels timid and shy, uncertain.
The physical self becomes unhindered in its attempts at self expression. It rushes forward in total control. She feels weak and powerless. All is against her. There is no power. She has a great desire to accomplish great things and become somebody at any cost. She plunges recklessly and joyously down the steep incline into sensual materialism totally forsaking all spiritual values.
Philosophus Degree
Having broken her connection with Goddess she feels apprehension and sorrow at her sudden exposure to a hostile and threatening world. She does not feel safe and secure anymore.
This begins the birth of the lower human ego because the physical world and the emotional world are more real than the spiritual one.
There is a sense that all is chaotic and she is beset with cares and worries that are all too real and clear. Everything is too real and too physical. There is no escape from the present moment. This is the first eye opening exposure to the true terrors and delights of the material world. There is no more innocence, only awakening.
This is a totally new experience and a great sense of apprehension and sadness is felt in the fear of loosing one's self completely in sensuality and materialism. There is the lure of becoming lost in the pleasures and sorrows of the present moment.
She is hesitant in using her imagination since she has so little spiritual and mental energy of her own. It is much harder than before and no longer comes naturally. Even though she carefully chooses her experiences she just seems to get in deeper and deeper and can't escape. She might use drugs to escape from the pressures of unrelenting reality.
The physical, sensual life seductively lures her with promises of great treasures and rewards. More and more time is spent in physical pursuits until all of her energy and free time is caught up in physical life and in the present moment. She controls others like puppets.
Mentally she identifies herself as a physical Goddess. Sensual pursuits are fun and she explores the mystery of toil and virtue of labor. Her earth energies are turned toward relaxation, social life, and enjoyment. Total hedonism is the only way to truly experience all of life.
She is in a process of devolution and stagnation and so is everything else. She does one thing after another and nothing seems to satisfy. She is becoming jaded and seeks meaning in life. Little by little she learns about the world through experience and sensation. There is no spot for her to fill or path to follow. Everything becomes meaningless.
At some point she has a dramatic change of viewpoint. She is loosing the ability to be a co-creator. Her personal energy is almost used up. Unless she receives energy from someone else she will retreat into a life of dull drudgery. If she is not married she begins looking. The biological clock is ticking. She can't do this alone. She needs a partner.
Her whole attitude remains self centered. She thinks of herself and how to get the things she wants in life. Others come second. This is a time of total selfishness. Mental abilities are at an all-time low and she is ruled by emotions and instincts. She will use people ruthlessly to get the objects of her desire. She will find a suitable partner through cold calculation if need be.
Adeptus Minor Degree
The entire world spreads out before her in richness and splendor. She can carve out of it what she will. For the first time in her life she feels like she can reach out and make a life for herself, an empire or a family.
She is ready to act and knows what to do. She can use people as she wishes to achieve what she wants. It is her dream, her empire that is important now. Her self-centeredness is absolute and her discipline is tremendous. She can accomplish great things. There is no mental hesitation or uncertainty. She can see with clarity exactly what needs to be done to get what she wants. She is a master and creator.
Her body can create life. She is surrounded with life and vitality. All seems familiar and safe. The world is an ecstasy of joy, color, sound and beautiful forms. All is sacred. There is nothing to think about. It is all here right now. Life is self-evident.
She is the Goddess-a force of nature-unstoppable. She understands the karmic need for excitement, thrills, and life vitality. Also she understands the need for ruthlessness and violence.
When harmony becomes too dull and monotonous she livens things up. She gives inspiration to others. She takes what she needs and others let her have it. She controls people like puppets. She is intoxicated with power and is on fire for more and more. She is especially given control over the men in her life and able to direct them and use them to achieve her goals. They are willing to give her what she needs and she is willing to accept. She lives entirely in the present moment.
Adeptus Major Degree
At this point she must confront and balance out any karma she created in previous years. This is a final harvest and accounting where results come back to her. Her motive power is gone completely. If she has good karma coming, this time will be a blessing as others come through for her. They now repay her kindness in full and give her energy and vitality.
If she has bad karma she must pay it back, loosing all she holds dear leaving only pain and sorrow. She identifys with the emotional and astral worlds of sense and feeling. She is riding a wave she has no control over. There is no reason for manipulation and control games. Those were in the past. She is living the results of past actions and she knows it.
She becomes uninhibited and careless of ideals. She experiences pure desire, emotion, and thought getting caught up in the intensity of the present moment, but she remains bound by her karmic chains. Instead of confronting her karmic chains, she may refuse and do anything to escape reality including drug and alcohol abuse. She is desperate to get relief from the stress of the moment regardless of consequences. She is blinded by her ego. This is where the most harmful karma is generated.
There is no escape and there comes a time when she gives in and accepts the consequences that are coming to her. In owning her responsibility for what is happening an important shift of awareness takes place.
She believes she alone is real, she is the Goddess. She experiences the physical realms in their entirety and has an elemental awareness of things.
This is her peak in life. She is forced to confront her karmic chains and becomes a slave to it. She is sucked into the karma she created and works to become free. This is an important period of service. She learns to reach out to others forgetting about herself as she works out her karma. She has become a mother.
She forsakes the material world and tries to plunge into spiritual salvation through living for others. To her horror the spiritual planes are denied to her unless others give her their energy. She becomes dependent on others. She struggles to escape her karmic bonds. Physical sensuality takes the form of intense sorrow and physical agony as she suffers under her burden. Life is seen as a great sorrow that brings only death. The intense disharmony is not tolerable and she fears for her sanity.
In one way this may be seen as the burdens and demands of motherhood and child nurturing. There is a balance of both good and bad things happening and she is changed forever.
Adeptus Exemptus Degree
If giving birth is an initiation motherhood is an even greater initiation. Watching your children grow up and being there for them is very powerful. The Adeptus Exemptus has mastered being a good mother to her children.
Here she offers material things to her family without thought of self or personal gain. She is fulfilling her karma. She is compassion and feeling for those she loves, nothing else. She is reaching out to all things within her home with no thought of self. She sees everything, hears everything, and talks constantly. She is totally consumed by this role of being a mother.
She longs for the spiritual life and rebirth of the Goddess ego but this time in the mother aspect. She is drawn uncontrollably toward the spiritual levels. As the last of her karma resolves itself, her longing flings her toward total union with spiritual Goddess awareness once more. This is full realization of what being a mother really means. She becomes a matriarch. There is an interesting distinction between this level as a male and this level as a female. Most females attain to motherhood and to this grade of ego development. Few males ever reach their corresponding level of development.
Magister Templi Degree
It has been said there are three great stages in a woman's life. These are the three faces of the Goddess, Maid,Mother and Crone. For the male the Magister Templi Degree involves crossing the Great Abyss and the destruction of the false ego. For the female the Great Abyss is entering the Crone stage. Her child bearing years are done and she is known for her great wisdom.
It is in entering this stage that she is able to develop a strong ego for herself and finally turn toward her own needs and dreams. She has lived so long for other people that living for herself can be a strange and uncomfortable change. It is new and not comfortable.
She remembers being a maid and being a mother. Now she is once more developing a global perspective. She understands fully what it is to be a woman and is able to help those younger than her get through tough times. She is Mother Nature.
She becomes a great spiritual sea that embraces all the tiny drops that are others. She is the empty space that supports the stars. She is an illusion, only real through the actions of others. She is illusion and all else is real. She supports the entire cosmos. She seeks harmony and stability. She is inseparable from life. Life is action, she is reaction. She is order, Life is chaos, together they create all things.
Magus Degree
It is in this degree the female reconnects with her Goddess and spiritual nature. She regains the wisdom and insight she had as a small child. She does this by once more being around small children. Her children have grown and left the nest. But she has grandchildren.
She feels the emptiness and comes to terms with it. This is not only a death but a rebirth for her. She lets go of her children and embraces her own inner child once more. She watches her children become parents and struggle just as she has struggled. As painful as it is to watch others suffer she knows they must be allowed to find their own way.
When asked she has much valuable knowledge to share. The children really love her and feel close to her. The circle of life is complete and she understands. Her own children need to be allowed to experience and learn through their own mistakes and efforts.
Perhaps for the first time she can understand the need for tough love as she interacts with her grandchildren. The female finds spirituality through the biology of life and love. It is not an abstract spiritual light found in a church or through prayer. Spirituality comes through the love that is shared with friends and family. It comes and is given through a hug or through service to others. It is warm and it bleeds when it is hurt. That is what spirituality is.
Ipsissimus Degree
Spiritual light is only accessible through the physical worlds and physical man. She must journey back to the Priestess- to become a child before she finds fulfillment. The Ipsissimus Degree completes the journey of ego development for the female. The circle is complete and once more she has regained her Goddess nature and her spiritual power.
In this chapter we explored an alternate version of ego development and spirituality much different than what is commonly accepted. This path is the path of biology and physicality.
It is the path of life giving birth to life with the challenges and the joys such a path brings. The spiritual path for the female lies through the physical world as maid, mother, crone and leading to death.
This is a path of family and a path of service to humanity. The path of parenthood is not as natural for the male but it is just as important.
One of the things the female can do in this degree is understand and help the males in her life to understand this path and learn to value it. At the same time having traveled her own path she becomes free to gain an understanding of the male path and grow in that type of spirituality as well.
In summary we might consider the male path of development as the path of creating something out of nothing. The male takes an idea and manifests it in the physical world. This is also called creating heaven on earth. Doing this makes him a creator or God.
The female path of development is to bring Gods and Goddesses into physical life and to become a Goddess herself. Her body has the wisdom and ability to do this.
The irony is that very few males successfully reach the highest stages of ego development and spirituality. They become stuck at some lower level and can't continue. Many are not able to bring their dreams into physical manifestation. Not many males can become Gods or creators.
All most all females can achieve the roles of maid, mother and crone. They can feel the power of mother's love and the sorrows that come with it. All females can become Goddesses. Some just do it better than others. Some are able to achieve this without giving birth to children. They will give birth to family.
Anarchist World Live Join the Revolution today! Online rss community of free men and free women. Let Freedom Ring!
Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?
Magister Templi Technorati Tags : psychic, paranormal, dreams, dreaming, survivalism, new-age, metaphysical, occult, mysticism, spirituality